The seven boxes above this post (below the “immanence” header at the top of the page) — plus three others that open up when you scroll over them — organize blog entries into topical “Categories.” (There are eleven, but “Other” doesn’t contain any posts; it’s just a place-holder.)
Recent entries on this blog have been dominated by the “GeoPhilosophy” category, but this and the other nine ebb and flow in rhythm with the stars (what’s happening in the world) and the moon (my interests). To give you an idea of what’s buried in the archives of the blog, here is a list of the categories accompanied by the total number of posts in each. Some posts fall into two, and sometimes more, categories. If the titles aren’t self-explanatory, you can explore within them to see what they mean.
Incidentally, I’m surprised there’ve been only twelve posts on music and sound-related topics; expect more in the future. Expect poetry, too. And maybe a reorganization of the categories to be a little more compact. (The film-related posts, for instance, seem to be divided between “MediaSpace,” which covers media- and communication-related topics, and “ImageNation,” which focuses more on visual culture and the imagination of the world; needless to say, the two can often get difficult to distinguish from each other.)
- GeoPhilosophy: 121
- EcoCulture: 79
- Politics: 63
- MediaSpace: 54
- ImageNation: 50
- SpiritMatter: 50
- Academe: 26
- Blogstuff: 26 (including this one)
- SoundScape: 12
- Uncategorized: 12