Let’s Chat Next Week

We do a lot of emailing around here, but we thought it would be nice to actually talk to you the old-fashioned way.

zach morris cell phone

And since we can’t call everyone on our own, we’ve asked the Chatty Cats to give you a ring next week. They’re all UVM undergrads, so treat them well (and give them some advice too).

Don’t worry, this is not some secret ploy to ask you for money.  Yes, the Chatty Cats typically fundraise for UVM, but not this time — they are just calling to check-in, ask a few questions, and get your feedback.

We will try to call your cell phone number — if we have it — and our number will show up as 802-656-9999.

For those of you who haven’t completed the Career Center’s 2015 outcomes survey, this is a not-so-secret attempt to get your response. We know you’ve gotten a million emails from the Career Center recently about this survey. They’ve asked us to help out with a shortened version. It’s just three questions but it’s important — even if you don’t have a “career outcome” at this point.

Here’s why the survey is important: It helps us know if we are preparing students well for the real world. Plain and simple — we want to know if we did well by you.

It’s your opportunity to give feedback — positive or negative — and make your voice heard. Right now, we only have a 35% response rate and we would love to have a more representative sample of what’s happening with everyone.

And don’t forget:

101 Things To Do: Cookies, Grilled Cheese, and Sun

Derrick and Ryan are still in pursuit of all 101 activities on the infamous list you may or may not have seen floating around campus the last four (or five) years!
101poster with crossoffs

Today’s edition features #5, #37, and #66 – Rub the Catamount statue for good luck, eat a grilled cheese from Feel Good, and eat a Marche Cookie.

We both love this time of year at UVM – it’s almost Fall, but still warm. Students are back and soaking up campus. And, as you might have guessed from one of our previous outings, we love to eat.

So, we thought we’d take you back to a couple of classic snack locales on campus.101 Things Feel Good 007

First, a quick stop by the Catamount statue because who can’t use more good luck?

Next, the Marche cookie.  This one was Derrick’s craving: “I was feeling a bit nostalgic about my days living in Austin. I always seemed to have late classes or meetings on campus and would stop by the Marche on my way back to my room. The chicken tenders got old after the first week of doing this so I started grabbing a cookie and some milk for a late night snack–it was my tradition and usually ended with me passed out for the night!”101 Things Feel Good 042

“Sitting in the Marche again really brought back some memories. I guess I spent more time there than I thought–studying, snacking or people-watching. It was a quiet place to be, except for the occasional long-boarder screaming through L/L.”

101 Things Feel Good 047

And, after battling the crowds near Baily-Howe, we get to my favorite snacking spot – Feel Good. Delicious grilled cheese made from local ingredients that supports a good cause? You can’t beat that.

101 Things Feel Good 018

101 Things Feel Good 027Derrick and I both ordered the “Cheese Louise”. With cheddar, honey mustard, apples and maple syrup, it had all the essential Vermont fall flavors. We enjoyed our grilled cheeses while strolling around campus, soaking up some sunshine and swapping stories about our UVM dining habits. Like that year I lived in Mercy and ate a sandwich from Northside for dinner every. single. night.
101 Things Feel Good 028 Thanks for joining us! Stay tuned all throughout the year for more posts like these. We will attempt to:

  • Make new friends from each campus
  • Hunt for ghosts in the Converse Hall attics
  • Climb Camel’s Hump
  • Spend a day barefoot
  • Learn a foreign language
  • And much more!

Help pick what we do next – email us at afterwrd@uvm.edu

NYC Folks: Discounted Club Membership

This is for anyone who lives or works around Midtown Manhattan. UVM has a partnership with the Penn Club on West 44th Street (between 5th and 6th ave.) and they are running a recent graduate special.

2015-09-02 13_41_25-Penn Club in New York, NY 10036 Directions, Location and Map _ MapQuest

You can join the club for $570 a year and they’ll waive the joining fee (also $570).  It might sound steep right now, but you get a lot for about $50 a month.

You get access to affordable gym facilities (yeah, it’s $450 extra a year, but still cheap for NYC), social events, affordable guest rooms, meeting and event spaces, and reciprocal memberships at many other facilities around the world.

It’s certainly not for everyone, but if you are interested, sign-up before September 30th to get the joining fee waived.

Move-In Day: Class of 2019 Edition


Strange as it seems, Friday is Move-In Day for the UVM Class of 2019. Feeling a little weird that you’re not heading back to UVM? You’re not alone.

The good news is that you can be a part of Move-In Day at UVM this year–wherever you are in the world.

Here’s how you can participate:

  • Watch and share this video.

  • Share your best 3 words of advice using the #moveUVM hastag.  Use Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat (uvmvermont) and Facebook and we’ll put your advice on our huge 20 ft banner in the Davis Center using one of these:

moveuvm stickers

Thanks in advance for your advice. We’ll keep an eye out for your posts, tweets and snaps!

Survey Says…

A big thank you to everyone who filled out our survey last week. It’s great to hear from all of you.

We’ve had almost 50 responses so far and here’s what you had to say:

survey results

Guess I should start planning some happy hours?

Luckily, that’s my job. I plan and travel to Young Alumni events throughout the year. So I’ve noted “happy hours” on my to-do list and hope to see many of you in the near future.

If you haven’t had a chance to do our one-question survey, there’s still time. And if you have any other thoughts or questions you can always email me at: dedubois@uvm.edu.
