Fall Semester Highlights from Campus

The semester has come to a close just in time for a polar vortex! The temperature is cold up here, so I’m doing my best to stay warm this holiday season.

That being said, I thought it would be a great time to get you caught up on what’s been happening on campus this fall. Check out the stories below for a snapshot of the semester.

Top Stories

UVM Names Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine after Dr. Larner ’39, M.D.’42 makes new $66 million bequest!


UVM Flies Black Lives Matter Flag Outside of Davis Center


Vice President Biden Brings ‘Cancer Moonshot’ to UVM


UVM Alumni House Opens [Video]

Elizabeth Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction

  • Dr. Paul Farmer was the keynote speaker for the Aiken Lecture Series.
  • A Day in the Life

    • On October 19th, 2016 students, faculty and staff captured their day on social media. Check it out here

    Academics and Research


    Student News

    Want to stay informed?

    Get off the Pile: Following Up

    Get off the pile image

    This week on Get off the Pile, we once again asked our friend Noah Nielsen ’10 for some advice on following up with interviews and applications. This is one of the trickiest roads to navigate on your way to a new job, but we think these are some helpful tips.

    Hey Noah!


    Afterword: Alright Noah, what’s your advice for someone who has submitted 1,000 job applications and they don’t know what to do. What’s next for them?

    Noah: Follow up!  Phone is better than email, and too many people simply send a resume and then never check in. Those who are persistent stand out.

    A: If they know someone at the same company, how do you leverage that connection?

    N: Ask for help!  Most people are happy to assist others (even strangers) and if you know someone at a company you are interested in, try to meet them for coffee or for an informational interview to learn more about the organization. Find out who handles hiring and ask if your contact would be comfortable making an introduction. Make sure to give them an opportunity to say no because they may not know that person very well if it’s a large company or they may not feel comfortable making the intro for any other reason which they are entitled to.

    A: So you just had an interview. What’s the first thing you should do to follow-up?

    N: Send a thank you note.  During the interview, ask the person for their card and send them an email thanking them for their time (email is fine, though a hand-written note can stand out in the right situation). I could write an entire blog post on thank you notes, but in general remember to keep it concise and to mention something specific from your conversation that you found interesting or helpful. Many companies will not even consider a candidate if they do not write a thank you note, so this is a must.

    A: It’s been a few months since you applied, what can you do to get off the pile?

    N: FOLLOW UP!  Until someone tells you not to, always follow up. Once a week is appropriate, or better yet, ask the company how often they suggest you follow up and then stick to that schedule.

    A: What kind of follow-up is best if you get a rejection?

    N: If you are rejected, politely thank the person for their time and consideration and try to learn from whatever feedback you receive. Unfortunately it is not always possible to get detailed feedback and sometimes candidates are not so much “rejected” but rather passed on in favor of a more qualified candidate. In any case, don’t take it personally, thank the hiring manager or recruiter and ask them if they have any advice for you or know or if they can introduce you to others in the industry who could be good contacts. Again, most people are happy to help and will appreciate your positive attitude and persistence.

    Like what you’ve read here and missed some of our other posts in the Get Off the Pile series?

    Search “Get Off The Pile” on the Afterword Page to see them all!



    Making Your First Loan Payment

    Yep. It’s actually time to make your first loan payment. Don’t worry, if you plan ahead, you can avoid feeling like this:


    With that in mind, I want to share our old friend Derrick’s cautionary tale from 2013 about first loan payments, as well as offer some helpful tips for getting it right from the start.

    As an added bonus, since this is a stressful time in your life, mark your first payment with a UVM Alumni Association bottle opener. Just click below, complete short form, and you can get one. We only have 100 to giveaway, so request yours early.


    Now, take it away Derrick!

    “I was on an 8-hour drive for my job (not fun) and in the middle of the 5th radio appearance of Pharrell William’s “Happy”  I realized my first loan payment was due that day. I pulled out my crappy, quasi-smart phone and tried to make my payment on the side of the road.

    After navigating the worst website in history, I managed to click the payment button before my browser crashed — did I make my payment? Only the internet gods knew for sure.

    When I finally got home and logged on from my laptop, it hit me. I had already signed up for automatic loan payments and my side-of-the-road payment also went through.

    I made a double payment — not because of my financial acumen — but because of my disorganization. 

    I ate lots of Ramen that month. This is definitely not an experience to emulate and I’m going to try and make up for it by giving you really solid advice”.

    Don’t be like Derrick. Here are 5 essential things you should do before making your first payment:

    1. Read this article to get started understanding your loans.
    2. Get Organized. Figure out if you have federal loans or private loans (or both) and how many. It’s probably easiest to ask your parents, look at old mail, or check your email — you loan provider has almost certainly tried to contact you by now.
    3. Pick a repayment plan. There are several types and many loans have an option for income-based repayment.  Also, if you are in grad school, make sure to defer your loans.
    4. Don’t make your payment late. They are already going to get enough of your money. Don’t give them any extra.
    5. Get Your Free UVM Alumni Association Bottle Opener. This is our way of easing the pain of that first payment. Open your favorite Vermont beverage with it, sink into your couch, and start a Netflix binge. You earned it .

    2016 Holiday Parties


    November marks the start of the holiday season. That means it’s time to mark your calendars for the UVM Holiday Parties.

    This year we’re celebrating in six cities: New York, DC, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle and Burlington. So if you’re close by, come party with your local UVM alums.

    registerbuttonThere will be hors d’oeuvres and drinks – sounds like a party to us!

    Tickets are $25 for all young alumni and $15 for young alumni who are Alumni Association Sustaining Members (if you are a 2016er and bought a senior week ticket this is you!).

    Check out the details for each party below:


    Washington DC
    Tuesday, November 29, 2016
    6:30-8:30 PM
    Mayflower Hotel




    New York
    Wednesday, November 30, 2016
    6:30-8:30 PM
    Penn Club of NY




    Thursday, December 1, 2016
    6:30-8:30 PM
    Marriot Long Wharf




    San Francisco
    Thursday, December 1, 2016
    6:30-8:30 PM
    Hyatt Regency San Francisco




    Thursday, December 8, 2016
    6:30-8:30 PM
    UVM Alumni House




    Friday, December 16, 2016
    6:00-9:00 PM
    Pike Place Market



    Whoops. Introduction to the Class of 2016, Part 2

    Hi Class of 2016!

    So…you are all receiving emails from us at the UVM Foundation and Alumni Association with links to original, fun and informative blog content every week right?

    Dwight Meme

    We JUST realized that only half of your class has been receiving emails about our posts each week. Don’t ask why — it’s really dumb, so let’s never speak of it again.

    To make up for our mistake, here are some important links to everything you have missed so far.

    We know this isn’t the best introduction, but we hope you will find this blog useful and will return when you actually receive our weekly emails.


    Sam Jedrey



    Get off the pile image

    Class of 2016 Check In Survey - this summer

    Zach Zimmerman


    Join us each week for new and helpful content to guide you through the often confusing first year out of school. As recent alums, we know that the struggle is real!

    Hang in there and see you next week!

    Ryan & Derrick