Tag Archives: php
YoUVM admin tool: move ownership
Figured out how to move ownership of a video from NetID1 to NetID2. Added it to Admin Panel => browse Videos => popup menu ‘Move’ Still some clean-up work to do before sending to production
Guide on the side
Helped Daisy, Graham, and Lyman get updated GOS installed on library servers. They were very happy, but not so happy as to let us use their SpringShare software.
UVMTube: Allow users to upload their own Poster/thumbnail jpeg
I am a coding machine. Today I am happy to announce that UVMTube now allows users to upload their own Poster/thumbnail jpeg. I wrote the code in the Sugarbush (Lincoln Peak) base lodge last Saturday while my wife and son … Continue reading
Stats and history for Guide on the Side
Library is heavy user go University of Arizona Guide on the Side software. http://code.library.arizona.edu/gots/ they liked the quiz/tutorial results email, but really wished it would keep a results table from which they could gather and manipulate aggregate data. I looked at … Continue reading
CumulusClips now UvmTube
Using the CumulusClips 2.2 base code I was able to build out a credible video server. https://uvmtube.uvm.edu/ Features Upload videos, tag and categorize Accepts mp3, mp4, flv, wmv, rm (RealMedia), mov automatically transcodes to mp4 optionally hide or require … Continue reading
2016 Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Awards nomination form busted
Form was broken. I fixed.
Events calendar fixes
Holly had a user who appeared only as a NetID, no name or anything Could prove by dated emails and Holly’s recollection she had been to certain workshops, but did not appear in rosters User had requested her directory info … Continue reading
Tina Escaja Velo City
She had a host of “hypertext poems” expressed as Flash applets. She needed them assembled and updated and deployed on her website. CSS, HTML, and php yielded http://www.uvm.edu/~tescaja/poemas/hyperpoemas/velocity.php
Events calendar updates
synchronized prod and dev code branches, discovered some discrepancies in how/where “organization” and college were stored, and now that I write this I remember I still need to fix ‘position’ (title) [update 2014-11-24 position update fixed]. All this driven by Nina’s … Continue reading
Landscape change submit modern photo broken
Recent code changes had unintended consequences. Fixed.