Tag Archives: media manager

ffmpeg barfs on .AVI file

Entered on 08/31/2017 at 10:54 by juli@med.uvm.edu: Hi Wesley, I’ve uploaded 2 movies to the streaming.uvm.edu server, which are not going through. 1 is an avi file, the other a mp4 file. Are there issues with the server? Issues with ffmpeg. Exploratory … Continue reading

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YoUVM admin tool: move ownership

Figured out how to move ownership of a video from NetID1 to NetID2. Added it to Admin Panel => browse Videos => popup menu ‘Move’ Still some clean-up work to do before sending to production  

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Data begets data

Created more graphs; moved jpgraph library into cumulusclips library (was on ctl.w3.uvm.edu); refactored code to use cc-core DB  objects for mySQl queries; added tabular (HTML table or Excel CSV download)  custom user reports. Incorporated all of this into Admin Panel. … Continue reading

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cool stuff

Hacked a solution to embedding live feeds from Wowza into blog posts Also wrote some code to display real-time data   And wrote a lot of documentation and a CTL blog post https://wiki.uvm.edu/index.php?title=Streaming_Server UVM’s Streaming Media Server and Online Video … Continue reading

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Updates to UVM Streaming gone live

Updates Revamped metadata entry screen with contextual help, revised wording, required field indicators, copyright agreement highlights , formatting water mark suppression is now on by default for new uploads view statistics give more accurate counts view stats now available   … Continue reading

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streaming media updates

Wendy and ines made some helpful suggestions for changes to metadata upload pages. They can be found on streaming-dev.uvm.edu . SAA bumped up the # of virtual processors allocated to the server. Need to tune the queuing software, which has … Continue reading

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oEmbed bug

Recent edits to provide better view statistics had unintended consequence of disabling the oEmbed plug-in for WordPress. Thanks to Inés for discovering. Still need to fiddle with embedded audio iframe dimensions.   https://streaming.uvm.edu/media/videos/2524/testing/

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Video History

Enhanced UVMTube to track views: Video ID, Logged in user ID, time/date. triggered by clicking on Play control. Only tracks first button press. Feature request from Dana Library still need a interface to request and display results  

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no no logo

Streaming.uvm.edu now allows video owners to suppress the UVM watermark (request from Dana Library).

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Video Queue redux

Staged a  race to transcode 4 videos concurrently on prod server and sequentially through queue on the devo server Concurrent won. So I figured I needed to use two queues to leverage multiple virtual cores. modified code to do just … Continue reading

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