Tag Archives: Boffins

Theatre Slides

In receipt of a box of slides from John Forbes, Theater Dept. First of many. Showed him dSpace, they may be interested. I need a tech cat

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opening reception and artists’ talk for “Latitude/Longitude”

Tina sent me this: Hola Wesley! I would like to invite you to the opening reception and artists’ talk for “Latitude/Longitude” this Thursday, October 18th, 5:30-7:30pm. You made my interactive section truly beautiful. It is always an honor for me … Continue reading

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Gund happy

Taylor Ricketts exclaimed:   looks fantastic!  works wonderfully!  a couple more fixes and tests on our side, and then we’ll make it visible to the world.  I may have another couple of small fix requests, but I think we are … Continue reading

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OSCAR client happy.

Jim McGarry, EPC/ACCESS says This code is sweet!!!!!!!!!!! does exactly what I need.

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Jim McGarry, Exam Proctoring center, sent me this question: I want to send an IM (AIM) based on user input on a webpage to one of about 6 recipients whose ids I know.  User wouldn’t compose IM – it would … Continue reading

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13 Lunas

Finally added some color, fonts, and design to pages updated (abandoned) release form made it easier to find and watch new  videos

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Morgan Horses

Marcia J. Purvis, Communications Coordinator, Dept. of Animal Science , inquired The Morgan Horse Farm has another request on the following page:  http://asci.uvm.edu/morgan/?Page=horses/sale_horses.php&SM=horses_sub.html&view_all=true&typeID=9 When someone chooses Step 1: All , then Step 2: View All, they would like the horses listed (alphabetically) … Continue reading

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Experts database

Amanda K. Waite,Web News Editor, University Communications asked: University Communications is looking into the possibility of using data generated by Digital Measures (the new faculty reporting tool being implemented on campus) to update the experts database. We need a spreadsheet of netids, … Continue reading

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Lucy Carrasco wrote: I started recently as an assistant webmaster at UVM Extension and Marcus mentioned to me that you helped him with setup of the Across the Fence WordPress site.  I have a few questions regarding the database setup … Continue reading

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http://www.uvm.edu/~lrg/13lunas Tina Escaja video project. Video recording page not fitting into tiny PC screen for Living/Learning gallery show. tried to fix CSS with limited success. need to see the actual PC

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