Tag Archives: Boffins

Problem with archived list of events

On Feb 28, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Ines Berrizbeitia <ines.berrizbeitia@uvm.edu> wrote: Hi Wes, ‘Tis me, again, with another problem. 😀 On this page: http://www.uvm.edu/ctl/?Page=services-programs/faculty-events/index.php&SM=m_sp.html I noticed when making some tweaks that the list of archived events doesn’t seem to be … Continue reading

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Events calendar mystery solved

On Mar 4, 2013, at 11:17 AM, Wendy Verrrei-Berenback <wverreib@uvm.edu> wrote: Disallowed Key Characters: pspw1-8520-PORTAL-PSJSESSIONID using Firefox 19 The Events Calendar code utilizes a “software framework” (viz.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_framework ) called CodeIgnitor. When processing any sort of input (URL, form input via GET … Continue reading

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Password Protection tool

Client reported tool (https://www.uvm.edu/htpasswd) wasn’t behaving.   Some time ago, the webteam decided to change their convention for providing friendly urls. They create a friendly alias in htdocs, and point it at a folder named website in the owners home … Continue reading

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Silk Servers and perl

Jim McGarry, Exam Proctoring center, sent me this question:  This html has been working for years apparently up to the end of Fall 2012 semester; it calls a program to send email & to create a flat file in the … Continue reading

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Gund Back

Taylor Ricketts returned: So we’re adding to our publications database, and now including books and book chapters.  These have slightly different formatting conventions than journal articles (e.g., we need to list the publisher, there is no journal title, etc.). So … Continue reading

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Self Assess

Henrie asked me to write an ACTION= script to process a form she designed. So I did: Form: http://www.uvm.edu/ctl/?Page=resources-teaching/online-teaching/selfassessmentform.html Responses http://www.uvm.edu/ctl/resources-teaching/online-teaching/responses.php I imagine she’ll want to edit the text of the user feedback. Currently, FAIL= “Based on your responses on the … Continue reading

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On Nov 19, 2012, at 11:20 AM, Paul Bierman <paul.bierman@uvm.edu> wrote: Can you block this spammer. Thanks From: <uvmwww@brownrecluse.uvm.edu> Date: November 19, 2012 11:09:36 EST To: glcp@uvm.edu Subject: Landscape Change Upload: New upload from  e-mail  With respect to    http://as1351.http.sasm3.net/landscape_new/search/details.php?ls=&sequence= uploaded on 2012-11-19: No, … Continue reading

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ctl data mining

Lots of SQL. Refactored users table, splitting out ‘organization’ and ‘college’ into a separate table to account for multiple values. With help of Jonathon Trigeux, came up with table to map colleges to organizations. after much  fiddling, arrived at this … Continue reading

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“A thing of beauty”

Rob Ryan posed this problem: I am beginning to understand some bits of this stuff, but not nearly enough, and so I bang my head against things until my head hurts and I go looking for help. This is one … Continue reading

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Events calendar data mining

Answering presidents questions: who do we serve and how. Ingesting data from footprints via short filtering scripts, constructing reports via SQ

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