Activity Log

  • took a test drive of ContentDM from user perspective
  • explored Dspace item importer
  • met with Maria Short to work on video capture
Posted in Dspace, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • Landscape Change project file management — worked with Mike and Frank to set things up, explained things to Paul
  • Researched prices, options for new Powerbook

Posted in Landscape Change, MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • installed Cyclos software on badger for Mark  Gately/RobertConstanza
  • script writing for Landscape Change project
  • long meeting/consultation with Jens Hilke re Landscape Change project
Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Dspace now on badger

I have successfully move dSpace from small but friendly Macintosh weasel to large and unwieldy IBM badger. Well, unwieldy for me, but you should find the badger to be quite well behaved and robust.

For the time being, please now use this URL for dSpace testing, demonstrations, whatever.

all data except two recent entries from  Wichada has been moved to the new machine.

Posted in Dspace, Projects | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • All sorts of consultation for jens Hilke and Paul Bierman re: changes to landscape change file management
  • Lots of time spent trying to apply the "C Wrapper Trick" to php files on
  • wrote trip report about Middlebury Library
  • dr is in shift
Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • Troubleshot a Pathology Education CGI script
  • Met with Mark Gately to dicsuss cyclos project
Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Released the all new CIT Software downloads page

Released the all new CIT Software downloads page. Spent a lot of time responding to questions/complaints/corrections.

This system is aimed at replacing the current page at . It is fully data-driven by (mySQL) database tables .

The motivation for deploying at this time a system to replace our static pages is the new licensing requirements for Minitab statistical software: the Minitab people want us to track who and how many download Minitab. The current software page does not offer a straightforward means to accomplish this requirement. Rather than develop an independent utility to provide this data only for Minitab, it seemed appropriate to take this opportunity to implement such tracking across the board.

The first page requires UVM NetID authentication via the Apache AuthDCE module, which has the added bonus of making the NeID available to subsequent scripts. The user is presented a list of platform choices, currently "MacOS X" and "Windows," selection of which displays an alphabetical by vendor name list of our current offerings. Depending on the software licensing requirements, each choice has either a "Download Now" or "Display license agreement" button. The latter leads to a third screen which displays the license agreement and a "Download Now" button which requires the user to indicate their acceptance before continuing. In either case, pressing the Download Now button both initiates the download and records the user’s NetID, name, title, status (faculty, staff, student), organizational unit, and the name of what they are downloading in a table for later reporting and analysis. The user’s name, title, status, and ou are obtained via LDAP lookup.

For CIT staff within the zoo "citweb" group, utilities are provided at

To add new downloads and edit current items.

Currently, reporting is limited to non-web based tools and are left as an exercise for the reader.

Posted in Documentation, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment