Activity Log

  • MacOS consult for A Quinn
  • Photoshop consult for T Patterson
  • dreamweaver and web publishing issues examined for G Nunley
  • configured computer for new animation stand in art department
Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • solved some issue re: macromedia dreamweaver file uploads for David Barrett
  • somebody asked, "I am trying to deliver a txt file derived from one of the webdb mysql databases to user’s local drive. This is a general issue with all the mysql/php applictions I’m working with at UVM."

    I explained why this can and cannot work as he described.

  • solved some photoshop issues for tom patterson
Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • answered questions about webcams for w graf and division of student life (annie steves)
  • added new features to CIT Software downloads pages
Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • traced dspace issues to some bad dspace code. posted results to dspace-tech list
  • explained to client why fugo doesn’t work with uvmadmin

Posted in Dspace, MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • solved mysql admin issues for doug
  • continued to explore calendar scripts issue. Looks like bad server
  • explored yet another landscape change data loss
  • explored some issues with dspace for b tignor
Posted in Dspace, Landscape Change, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • started to play around with movable type blog software
  • explained some facets of video conferencing to a snider
  • explored issues with calendar scripts on resulting in loss of data
Posted in Blogs, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • addressed issue re: access to software download edits page
  • margo Thompson asked, " My next project is to get study images for Art 6 available on-line. I’d like them to have the images linked to their study lists. What is the best technology to do this?" I told her what I thought (Dspace). She did what she wanted (contentdm)
  • dealt with a variety of small mySQL admin issues
Posted in Dspace, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

solved Final Cut pro issues for Ted Lyman

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • worked with tom brennan on art lab print server issues
  • met with s lathem to dicsuss using imovie and or windows movie maker in class, saving data
  • met with masha stern to discuss her arizona resource sheduler projects
Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Activity Log

  • installed new software on CMD macintoshes, restored disk image from art department and deleted stuff CMD didn’t own,
  • Helped Ted Lyman configure art mini-lab for video editing
  • wrote memo to Art Department detailing new configuration
  • identified issue with perl install on zoo
  • helped David Barnett with Macormedia Dreamweaver configuration /upload/download issues
Posted in Documentation, MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment