Activity Log

Consultation with C Massey regarding /:/perkins folder acccess issues and disk space

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Activity Log

Configured a second instance of  cyclos and tomcat on badger to facilitate editing of JSP files by Mark Gately.

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Activity Log

  • researched OAI and dspace-oai. Here’s a sample URL
  • met with kathy to work on electronics project
  • uvmdc meeting
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Activity Log

researched and enabled pam_krb5 authentication on badger to allow selective access to server via NetID. Partly in support of Gund institute’s Burlington Bread/Cyclos project

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Activity Log

  • consultation with ML Razza re: macintosh purchase
  • WRUV MP3 streaming project
Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

transcriptions of audio lectures on-line via voice->text conversion

Jim Hoffman was asking about ways to get transcriptions of audio lectures on-line via voice->text conversion.

No, off-hand I do not know any faculty who are doing this; however, that doesn’t mean no one is doing it (including students). Nor do I know of an on-campus resource that can offer much support (The Center for Multimedia Development in the library doesn’t have the software, and Roger or Judi would probably send you to me if you asked them about it. I haven’t heard of the Center for Teaching and Learning doing anything like this, but they might).

However, after poking around the ScanSoft web site, it looks like (in theory), what you propose is pretty straight-forward, with the addition of a digital voice recorder or PDA and the right version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking.

The "right version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking" appears to be version 7 or 8 of the "Preferred" or "Professional" product (not "standard").

ScanSoft has certified a number of handheld devices, meaning "Passed all tests with Dragon NaturallySpeaking and meets our highest performance and quality standards." In particular, the Sony ICD-ST25 Digital Voice Recorder, which can be found for around $150. About $50 more bundled with Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred Voice-to-Print Software Version 7.0.

In any case, you record to your handheld device, upload sound via USB, Dragon NaturallySpeaking does the rest.

Posted in Projects, Video and Audio, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

transcriptions of audio lectures on-line via voice->text conversion

Jim Hoffman was asking about ways to get transcriptions of audio lectures on-line via voice->text conversion.

No, off-hand I do not know any faculty who are doing this; however, that doesn’t mean no one is doing it (including students). Nor do I know of an on-campus resource that can offer much support (The Center for Multimedia Development in the library doesn’t have the software, and Roger or Judi would probably send you to me if you asked them about it. I haven’t heard of the Center for Teaching and Learning doing anything like this, but they might).

However, after poking around the ScanSoft web site, it looks like (in theory), what you propose is pretty straight-forward, with the addition of a digital voice recorder or PDA and the right version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking.

The "right version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking" appears to be version 7 or 8 of the "Preferred" or "Professional" product (not "standard").

ScanSoft has certified a number of handheld devices, meaning "Passed all tests with Dragon NaturallySpeaking and meets our highest performance and quality standards." In particular, the Sony ICD-ST25 Digital Voice Recorder, which can be found for around $150. About $50 more bundled with Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred Voice-to-Print Software Version 7.0.

In any case, you record to your handheld device, upload sound via USB, Dragon NaturallySpeaking does the rest.

Posted in Projects, Video and Audio, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

More MP3 Streams

continued experiments with MP3 streaming on Macintosh; in particular, starting stream and system boot and restarting system as unprivilged user later. Learned a lot about OS X System Startup behaviour and writing daemons in perl.

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Streaming MP3 for ‘RUV

Finished First pass at an MP3 streaming solution for WRUV. Used live stream capabilities of existing Darwin Streaming Server on; source signal my radio; encoder? I think I used open source command line utilities, although I had tried some commercial software first (Audion and Nicecast) previously in undocumented experiments conducted over the past couple of months.

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Streaming MP3 for 'RUV

Finished First pass at an MP3 streaming solution for WRUV. Used live stream capabilities of existing Darwin Streaming Server on; source signal my radio; encoder? I think I used open source command line utilities, although I had tried some commercial software first (Audion and Nicecast) previously in undocumented experiments conducted over the past couple of months.

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment