Dspace Ddied

Dspace died again. Analyzed logs, made some changes to robots.txt, checked how often cronjobs (especial media filter) were running. Restarted, we’ll see how long it runs now.

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Podcasting for Timothy Fox

Answered numerous questions about his podcast, Movable Type templates, iTunes.

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More subtitles

Searched and serached, Found a new utility to try, inqscribe.

used it to subtitle Cristina’s movie

Much easier than QuickTime Pro. Magpie was useless, as I determined after an hour or so fighting with it.. This one rocks: took just an hour or so to work it all out. Cristina will like.

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Updated mansfield snow graph pages

Finally added some database hooks in the Mansfield Snow Depth page so that It automatically chanages snow season in September and displays the right graph, as well as date of last snowfall and depth. Started work on a poster session for VMC annual meeting.

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Landscape Progress

met with p bierman and emily rehmeyer erehmeye@uvm.edu to discuss her independent study project.

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Update CIT To Do List

Took a quick tour through the CIT site, looking for anything that looked like a script or form, and provided a link to such in the top-level "to do list" content area. See how long before anyone notices…. (tee-hee — file still owned by gcd)

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September Activity Report

Prepared September activity report

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Podcasting for T Fox

Met with Timothy Fox to discuss his Movable Type blog, an enhanced Podcast file, and publixhing podcats to iTunes.

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Jax for Macs

Timothy.Plante@uvm.edu called me about a goofy "petition" script he was trying to install at http://www.uvm.edu/mac/ to support on on-line petition drive. He downloaded Download Jax Petitionbook from Jax Petitionbook (GPL)* , which is a badly hacked version of Jax Guestbook (GPL)* version 3.07. It was tricky to install, and displayed menus in German, not English. The "most current" version worked better, but still required some PHP hacking to make go. After dinking around with it for a while, I got it to work here. But then Tim wrote me

Thanks for trying to help me yesterday. I tried to pull apart the PHP script and found that it was all in german. The script was made from a different script and I think the language selection mechanism is remenance of that original script and therefore doesn’t actually change a thing.

This morning I found a new script that takes information and generates an email to be sent out. It works pretty well. Check it out at http://www.uvm.edu/~mac/pledge

thanks for all of your help yesterday!

Oh, well…

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Dspace woes

Keeps dying with a "Too many open files" message

Seems related to high number of simultaneous page views, perhaps from a robot?

Experimenting with robots.txt, enabled access_log, need to watch logs and patterns

dspace-tech list has been no help.

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