jpgraph for Emily

Emily wanted to know how to do this.

See here for horizontal bars documentation

See here for reversed axis documentation


I couldn’t get $bplot->SetWidth() to work, so used SetAbsWidth

Needed to stagger X axis values so bars didn’t overlap, so first series plotted at 0,2,4,6,8… and second at 1,3,5,7,9…

Once x axis data introduced to new Barplot, seems like rolls reversed, thus this

    $bplot1 = new BarPlot($datay1,$datax1);

rather than this

    $bplot1 = new BarPlot($datax1,$datay1);

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Bruce Duncan and Rob Ryan

Provided code in the form of example sample web pages to Rob Tyan to link to streaming video placed online for Bruce Duncan.

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment


Boned up on CSS class vs ID tags, border styles

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

met with Jasmine ( to discuss migrating mySQL tables from database A to database B, associated issues.

Posted in mysql, Projects | Leave a comment

CTL Techcats Lunch

Ate, listened, questioned, synergized.

Posted in Overhead, Projects | Leave a comment

Vacation days, Sharepoint, documentation

filling in progress reports, trying to use sharepoint, related paperwork

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PHP Image function, n bach

nbach asked about how to generate a web page and an image from the same PHP script. I set him straight.

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Bruce Duncan

He came with a QuickTime video hinted for streaming. We uploaded it to video server. Rob.Ryan will be contacting me for how to make a link to it. Also showed him the wonders of media integration using iLife (considering buying his daughter an APple for college).

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Samer ElJabary

We finished writing his script: Accept image, delete image, and display accepted images. Still some CSS formatting problems, but I have left him to resolve those. I think he is slowly catching on how this stuff works.

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

CMD Help

Answered user questions (scanning slides, scanning magazines, displaying Flash videos from ABC news , imovie How-to, iMovie WhyFors, DVD copying, DVD to VHS/PAL conversion).

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