Landscape Change Project: meeting

Paul, Steve, and I discussed ACS future involvement

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Auto Generation of time-lapse movies from folders of images

The various webcams around campus have been used primarily for showing us what is happening now, not what happened before. recently installed camera, however, were deployed speocfically to documents progres, specifically buildong progress, such as the new Davis Center construction.

The basic operation of these cameras is to snap a jpeg image and uplaod it to a web server. A variety of techniques are them employed to stream these captured images, one after another as they are uploaded, back to users to form a set of moving pictures. This is generally complicated by the inability of some browsers to display multi-part mime image streams (see here).

In order to generate a time-lapse movie, we need to preserve a subset of the snapshots, tag them with a date/time, and find a better way to stream the composite back to the users.

The solution seems to be ffmpeg, a flexible unix  CLI which can produce MP4 movie files from single image sequence input.

It was a hard won solution, requiring a lot of research, dead ends, compiling, porting, recompiling, script writing, and workflow development, but I finally got it all together. Here are the Results.

Along the way, I expanded the number of archived cameras from Davis Center to ResLife and the UVM green.

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fixed empact

empact data gathering scripts broken from recent mySQL upgrade. Fixed.

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Kathy Marmor

Met with Kathy to fix her CD to autoplay on Windows.

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Jane Petrillo

Conference with Jane Petrillo regarding lab problems

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Scripts to auto generate time lapse movies

Researched, downloaded, ported to AIX, compiled, installed and tested a variety of unix packages that might convert a folder full of images into Quicktime movie files. Finally settled on ffmpeg (from CVS). Wrote perl script that would run the package as a nightly cron job. Unfortunately, ffmpeg does not "flatten" the movie to facilitate web viewing, so also appear to need quicktime4linux. Still balancing the compression parameters.

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Samer ElJabary

Came by to put finishing touches on his project before heading home to palistine.

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Davis Construction cam

Advised clients why the 46 MB time-lapse video file take 15 minutes to download over cable modem

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More broken iPod

Continued to fiddle with iPod. Demonstrated the ease with which music can be extracted from iPod and inserted into iTunes for Windows, even without copypod of ipodcopy.

But I still couldn’t  put new photos on it without it corrupting the photos. Tried Disk First aid: nothing.

So I reformated it again, now for Mac, and reloaded it.

Now it seemes to work OK, and response to clikcwheel is faster, too!

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iPod Photos fix

5th gen iPod was reporting "The ipod cannpt be read from or written to" while trying to update photos.

Solution was to turn OFF photo synchronization; answer yes to "Delete all photos on iPod;" then turn ON photo synchronization.

Ipod is happy again.

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