
Continued install-fest. So far:

  • QuickTime Pro license
  • HandBrake
  • RealPlayer
  • Flip4mac
  • MPEG Streamclip
  • Handbrake
  • FireFox
  • Stuffit Expander

More to come

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CMD Client support

Helped J winsted with scanning, iMovie, iDVD issues

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Built new transcript from restored current baseline machine. Loaded on server. Distributed to client, did not fix Macromedia probems. WIll try first deleteing all vestiges of Macromedia on cliient then try again. Meanwhile, built pristine new 10.6.6/iLife base system on Firewire, building transcript and uploading to server now. WIll begin on new plan tomorrow.

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Kate and Davis

Helped Kate:

  • export her davis movie suitable for hgh resolution computer projection from CD
  • export just pieces of the movie
  • discussed digital signage
  • discussed RSS feeds, calendars on site
  • flattened movie on chipmunk
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Rebuilt art image from external firewire on laptop, everything works. Starting building new RadMind base image LRG-Base-2006-06-07.T . Started fresh install on external firewire of OS X, will build new "clean" image from there in stages:

  • Base 10.4 with iLife 06
  • Microsoft Office
  • Extra apps:
    • divx
    • realplayer
    • Flip4Mac
    • MPEG Streamclip
    • Handbrake
    • Audacity
    • TextWrangler
    • Firefox
    • Mozilla?
    • EpsonScan
    • Perfection 1600
    • Perfection 2400
    • Perfection CMD
    • Nikon Scanner
    • Epson Printers
    • Xerox Printers
  • Adobe CS
  • Final Cut Studio 5.1.1
  • Macromedia
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Met with Chet of ST. Albans Extension service, talked about making movies for the web with DV camera, analog camera, Windos Moviw Maker, VirtualDub.

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Banged head against wall trying to solve. Seems to work OK when boted from external hard drive , tried cloning external back to laptop, failed.

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Landscape Change Project: full text search

I have updated the Quick Search button to use mySQL Full text indices. Searches pretty much follow the Google model:

  • search for
Skiing Stowe

searches for skiing AND stowe. Normal mysql behavior is to search for skiing OR stowe, so secret + signs are prepended to the words

  • search for
Stowe -skiing

searches for Stowe but NOT sking

  • search for
Mount Mansfield

searches for words  Mount and Mansfield

  • search for
"Mount Mansfield"

searches for phrase Mount Mansfield (case insensitive)

  • search for
Stowe -skiing "Mount Mansfield"

Searches for the Word Stowe and the phrase "Mount Mansfield " and NOT skiing

The following fields are searched:

FILENAME, OriginalFileName, title, keywords, description, town, county, PHOTOSOURCE, PHOTODATE, PHOTOYEAR, PHOTOGRAPHER, MEDIA, identifier_citation, identifier_other, publisher

There are still some issues in details.php with respect to highlighting search terms. I have no idea what "Refine Results" will do with this.

Other programmers are welcome to investigate, I’m going to take a break for a day or two and work on some other projects.

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More Landscape code

I spent a good portion of today updating MY code to

  • reflect the new structure and thumbnails
  • zoomify images
  • fixed situation where, say, you were looking at search results page 3 of 5, clicked the i icon to display details of a thumnail, then click the Thumbnails tab so that you return to page 3 of 5 rather than page 1 of 5

This required updates to thumbnails.php, details.php, lib/tabs.h.php , lib/ImageSets.h.php, lib/inline.php, lib/Site.h.php, and lib/Images.h.php

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Landscape Change Project problem file

Seems the offending image was somehow corrupted as far as my batch utilities (including "make Zoomified") were concerned. Opened the file in Photoshop, made a small change, re-saved it, and the script ran fine.

I also put a check in the code to issue an alert but continue processing should it hit a similar snag.

Pages at now utilize thumbnails — or display broken images if the thumbnails doesn’t exist yet (we’re up to LS03329_000 as of 1:34 PM Monday).

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