LMS Search

Meeting to discuss new LMS proposal.

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Digital Signage

reviewed my own notes to prepare for Kate’s questions:

We have decided to hook up the flat screen TV in Billings to a computer. This medium will be used to "practice" for when we open the Davis Center. We spoke briefly about the various options for getting this going, and I was wondering if you might be willing to walk me through the process? I am going to call physical plant to see about getting a computer linked to the screen, but still need to line up what program, etc I will use.
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CMD Issues

Will reported that Microsoft apps were acting up again (the corrupt font issue). Fixed, for the moment.

Posted in Projects, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Landscape Change Project: thinking

Finally finished the Dublic Core mappings document. See here (well, if you have the right NetID!).

Posted in Landscape Change, Projects | Leave a comment

mySQL Mentoring

Introduce Carol to the software downloads database, cocoamysql, some simple relational queries.

Posted in mentoring, Projects | Leave a comment


Defined problem of using MEOW with our MovableType installation

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mac issues

Assisted ccaldwel with copule of outstanding Mac configuration issues

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Oracle Calendar

helped FCS debug issues with latest Oracle Calendar clients for MacBook Pro

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met with tuna and ilan to bang out final revisions./instructions/methods for debateoneworld.org web site.

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Progress reports

remembering what I did last week.

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