Video requiring login

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut in elit sed sem finibus imperdiet quis quis lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum hendrerit justo, et rutrum purus mollis in. Duis lorem massa, dapibus quis dolor vel, convallis malesuada lacus. Proin vehicula sapien eu sapien blandit feugiat. Ut sodales pellentesque mauris, nec imperdiet est volutpat quis. Aliquam accumsan, orci non sollicitudin sodales, nibh nibh posuere nibh, ut eleifend quam velit vel arcu. Vivamus vel orci aliquam, pretium odio mollis, consectetur dui. Proin mi eros, congue quis est non, congue ultrices nunc.

Sed dolor dui, varius vitae nisl vel, auctor hendrerit dolor. Etiam varius consectetur nulla a malesuada. Curabitur bibendum lorem sit amet nibh auctor efficitur vel in erat. Donec rhoncus purus ipsum, vel commodo nisl tincidunt ac. Etiam metus sem, pellentesque nec libero at, lacinia euismod leo. Duis ultricies placerat aliquet. Vivamus pharetra scelerisque risus eu pharetra. Vestibulum eleifend commodo tellus, eu mattis urna porta nec. Nam finibus convallis venenatis. Pellentesque vel augue accumsan, porta leo ac, consequat lacus. Vestibulum a rhoncus odio. Vivamus porta vehicula tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam porta sapien sem, id sodales leo consequat vel. Pellentesque a metus eget sem finibus interdum vel sed lectus.

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cool stuff

Hacked a solution to embedding live feeds from Wowza into blog posts

Also wrote some code to display real-time data


And wrote a lot of documentation and a CTL blog post

UVM’s Streaming Media Server and Online Video Platform (OVP)


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Updates to UVM Streaming gone live


  • Revamped metadata entry screen with contextual help, revised wording, required field indicators, copyright agreement highlights , formatting
  • water mark suppression is now on by default for new uploads
  • view statistics give more accurate counts
  • view stats now available



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SharePoint 2016

Worked with SAA to roll out the very first new production SharePoint site. CTL as always a leader in technology.

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BBB 1.1ß

installed, needs some configuration before taking it ‘live’ .

This release offers three main enhancements:
 1. Breakout Rooms:  (3:41 minutes)
 2. Live Closed Captioning:  (1:23 minutes)
 3. Faster Desktop Sharing: (3:10 minutes)
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streaming media updates

Wendy and ines made some helpful suggestions for changes to metadata upload pages. They can be found on . SAA bumped up the # of virtual processors allocated to the server. Need to tune the queuing software, which has been done on streaming-dev. Also updated the embeded players to increment the raw views count in the About tab. Will migrate all recent updates to prod server during spring break



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oEmbed bug

Recent edits to provide better view statistics had unintended consequence of disabling the oEmbed plug-in for WordPress. Thanks to Inés for discovering. Still need to fiddle with embedded audio iframe dimensions.

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Video History

Enhanced UVMTube to track views: Video ID, Logged in user ID, time/date. triggered by clicking on Play control. Only tracks first button press. Feature request from Dana Library

still need a interface to request and display results


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Golden Globe Nominee? Or just another cat(amount) video.

Edited to J’s timecodes Designing for Learning video, found at

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no no logo now allows video owners to suppress the UVM watermark (request from Dana Library).

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