Morgan Horses

Marcia J. Purvis, Communications Coordinator, Dept. of Animal Science , inquired

The Morgan Horse Farm has another request on the following page:

When someone chooses Step 1: All , then Step 2: View All, they would like the horses listed (alphabetically) but with the UVM horses being listed first.  Is this possible?

Of course it’s possible. Took 15-20 minutes thought, and another 15 to code.

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Experts database

Amanda K. Waite,Web News Editor, University Communications asked:

University Communications is looking into the possibility of using data generated by Digital Measures (the new faculty reporting tool being implemented on campus) to update the experts database. We need a spreadsheet of netids, names and biography fields from the database to explore the possibility a bit more. I have access to an old expertds.dbf file, but I don’t think I can get into the current database. Would you be able to export and send me the current database in an Excel spreadsheet (or a tab or comma-delineated .txt file I can import into Excel)?

Not as easy as it sounds. First, I had to find the database, created years ago by a former web team intern. Then, I had a fight between mySQL and Excel. Several fights: treatment of carriage returns/line-feeds in database fields, and treatment of commas and quotes. Eventually, Excel conceded defeat before my powerful kung-fu dragon style.

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Lucy Carrasco wrote:

I started recently as an assistant webmaster at UVM Extension and Marcus mentioned to me that you helped him with setup of the Across the Fence WordPress site.  I have a few questions regarding the database setup (the db/user/password combinations being used that I’m seeing in the config files) and was wondering if you may be able (have the time!) to shed some light on a few things for me?

UVM Extension has 8 databases, four accounts, and 4 passwords. She was confused, this prompted a history lesson

mySQL account administration has gone through 3 or 4 phases since the product was first introduced at UVM.

The first phase was the casual and early adopter era.  I manually created accounts for those that needed them. Naming conventions and passwords didn’t always follow and convention. Passwords were attempts at cute mnemonics. It was a simpler more laid back time.

Eventually, I built a self-service on-line utility to create accounts. Convention was to use requestor’s netid (small caps) as a mySQL username and same NETID in LARGE CAPS as a database name. Additional requests got same account-name/password, and database NETID_1, NETID_2, etc. New passwords were generated automatically and randomly.

This era was also marked by a separate secret script used internally by one ETS staffer to create special accounts for use with a licensed survey building product called Perseus. These accounts again used netid as account name and NETID_PERSEUS as database name. This of course introduced confusion when a particular netid was passed through both scripts.

We are now in a new era, where an authenticated netid is granted 3 accounts: netid_admin, netid_reader, and netid_writer. Databases are named NETID_WHATEVER. Passwords are assigned randomly but can be changed by the requestor.

It is important to note that all this fancy accounting using NetIDs is by convention only. mySQL accounting and administration is separate from NetID account management used for zoo,, webmail, blackboard, peoplesoft, myuvm, etc. And even , which is actually some pretty clever coding on the part of Scott Dellinger  of ETS to match up ‘real’ netids with 13 years of willy-nilly mySQL accounting. Scott is now the defacto DB admin, I remain involved in a variety of poorly defined support and admin roles, and I provide historical context and institutional memory.

It is also interesting to note that UVM Extension was an early adopter, getting their first uvmext/UVMEXT account/DATABASE Nov 19, 2001. This is why there are so many passwords, accounts, and databases involved.

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Tina Escaja video project. Video recording page not fitting into tiny PC screen for Living/Learning gallery show. tried to fix CSS with limited success. need to see the actual PC

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Odds and Ends

oddball stuff that people ask me to look at, explain, fix, etc. Call it Academic Computing.


bof·fin noun ˈbä-fən
Colloquial word used to refer to highly trained specialists in their respective fields; especially when the exact field of specialty is unknown.
Usually used when an new and unknown piece of technology is being discussed, and having no idea what branch of speacialty is responsible.

Used commonly in 60s and 70s British spy movies and war movies to infer generally to clever people developing, researching weapons etc…

The Boffins at the laboratory must have worked hard to make this new flying car….

Who knows how it works? That’s one for the Boffins….

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Gund update 2012-09-24

Finally got back to this project. Making use of dSpace import map file. map file records the ID of all new items added through the item importer, and can be used to delete those same items. Web Endnote interface now checks for matching out file, runs a delete option, before importing new items. This ensures that the EndNote database remains the authoritative source of the dSpace data.

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BBB Update 2012-09-24

Interest in using BB from Steven Exler (EPSCoR) and Ken Bechtel (Social Work). This prompted investing some time in fixing numerous little bugs and misbehaving features. Also tried a stress-test, hooking up 25 clients and seeing around 50% CPU usage. Finally, updated Drupal from 6.20 to 6.26

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“I am wanting the use BigBlueButton for my Educational Technology class”

Carmen Petrick Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education writes:

I am wanting the use BigBlueButton for my Educational Technology class to video chat with a class of 6th grade students.  The 6th graders have netbooks and iPads.  Will this be possible?

Also, from the website, I’m not able to figure out how to set up a meeting.  

Can’t use Skype, FaceTime, etc. because kids don’t/can’t have usernames and passwords for those tools


Since I can’t think of anything that would work better (i.e., require kids to register for something to get an ID and Password), I continued to pound on Big Blue Button
I created 24 ‘meeting rooms.” find them at
No need to log in yet. I see each of your students assigned to one of these 24 rooms. They click on their room number and see…
Have them all sign in as moderators using the secret password ‘dog’ and their real name

Meanwhile, you have similarly divided up the remote kids into 24 groups, one group for each room. They go to the list, find their room, and sign in as guest attendees using secret password ‘cat’ and their name
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BigBlueButton updates

updated from .8b3 to .80

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CTL has been experimenting with BigBlueButton, which is similar to Adobe Connect, but free and open source
Our installation:


BigBlueButton home


We’re using a simple Drupal site as a front end to handle authentication and authorization

  • Any Faculty member can create a meeting
  • or login using a departmental NetID and password to create a meeting
  • create a meeting open to just uvm, or open to all with a password

I’m the point person

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