Category Archives: Wes

2016 Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Awards nomination form busted

Form was broken. I fixed.

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Perpetual license wowza install

met with ETS/SAA staff to install and configure fully licensed wowza streaming engine server to replace RealServer and Darwin Streaming Server, support stemma and cumulus clips projects

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Mansfield snow depth

Perl robots failin to grab Mt Mansfield data from NWS because thy switched to MiXEd CaSe labels, previously al UPPER CASE. Old scripts case-sensitive. Updated scripts and back filled missing date from email archives  . Amazed by how many people … Continue reading

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Flood video

Paul Bierman wept: Am trying to grab for teaching… won’t stream or download. ideas? Video using old codec and Quicktime streaming server technology. transcoded video and embedded it on page using contemporary jwplayer standards:

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Gund publications

On Feb 18, 2015, at 10:25 AM, Taylor Ricketts <> wrote: I’m trying to upload an update of our publications database (as an xml file, per usual).  The import interface is hanging up, now motionless for 20 minutes after I … Continue reading

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See Free Video CMS Start your own video sharing website with CumulusClips video sharing script. It’s free and easy to use. You can build a YouTube clone where users can upload videos, rate videos, comment on videos, and much … Continue reading

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display issue on landscape

On Feb 16, 2015, at 5:36 AM, Paul Bierman <> wrote: Hi, Wonder if some of the changes made last week had an unintended consequence… I get the same “modern image” with all older images that have not modern counterpart… … Continue reading

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Student Legal Services

Kid built new web site on his personal silk server. Helped migrate it to

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BBB Front-end died in front of Willy Cats-Baril

Unintended consequence of messing around with BBB front end caused php error while Willy Cats-Baril attempting on-line seminar. The good news is Willy, Nick Gingrow, and Erin Montgomery (Graduate Programs Coordinator, UVM School of Business) all said they have been pleased with … Continue reading

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Events calendar fixes

Holly had a user who appeared only as a NetID, no name or anything Could prove by dated emails and Holly’s recollection she had been to certain workshops, but did not appear in rosters User had requested her directory info … Continue reading

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