Category Archives: Video Labs

Art lab (Williams 414) and CMD (Center for Multimedia Development)

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helped k parker debug new construction web cam. managed to completely hose it before I was done helped solve an issue with slow-booting macs in art lab

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Applescript for Lab Macs to fix video capture issue

See original post here. Well, my testing indicates that it is sufficient to move the files, no restart required. That makes life easier. I have prepared and tested a simple little application, "Switch Video Applications", that lives on the desktop … Continue reading

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video Labs | Leave a comment

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solved printing issue in art lab for t brennan solved mysql issues for j bergmeier

Posted in mysql, Projects, Systems and Servers, Video Labs | Leave a comment

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On Oct 25, 2004, at 1:54 PM, Judi A. Bradley wrote: None of the macs will export from iMovie to cameras.  iMovie begins the export and then returns the error ‘connection to camera lost.’  This problem begans when the lab … Continue reading

Posted in MacOS Support, mysql, Projects, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

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solved script issues for L Izzo answer web questions for M Hopkins reconfigured print server in art lab uvmdc meeting

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

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solved dreamweaver issues for G Nunley explained art lab changes and printing procedures to J petrillo software downloads pages changes/features/discussions software configuration consulting for T Lyman

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

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explored print server issues in art lab helped L schneider with web publishing problems software downloads page edits and corrections

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

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Quicktime broadcaster help for a snider art lab configuration questiones posed by T Lyman installed yet another version of dspace, went looking for newly announced thumbnail image support

Posted in Dspace, MacOS Support, Projects, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

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MacOS consult for A Quinn Photoshop consult for T Patterson dreamweaver and web publishing issues examined for G Nunley configured computer for new animation stand in art department

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

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worked with tom brennan on art lab print server issues met with s lathem to dicsuss using imovie and or windows movie maker in class, saving data met with masha stern to discuss her arizona resource sheduler projects

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment