Category Archives: Systems and Servers

Installation, management, and support of systems and services not otherwise categorized

Activity Log

Quicktime broadcaster help for a snider art lab configuration questiones posed by T Lyman installed yet another version of dspace, went looking for newly announced thumbnail image support

Posted in Dspace, MacOS Support, Projects, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Activity Log

worked with tom brennan on art lab print server issues met with s lathem to dicsuss using imovie and or windows movie maker in class, saving data met with masha stern to discuss her arizona resource sheduler projects

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Activity Log

helped masha stern with the Arizona OCF_Scheduler_php helped n bach with php/pear issues investigated movable type and "MT  courseware" templates created by Liz Lawley:

Posted in Blogs, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Activity Log while on upaid leave Aug 7-28

tracked down Apple software licenses for Art Lab helped a. snider password protect web pages restarted cyclos server to account for new mysql install fixed issue with cit software downloads edit item script came in one friday and installed all … Continue reading

Posted in Dspace, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Activity Log

fixed landscape change coding errors investigated Arizona OCF_Scheduler_php for masha Stern more php/mysql upgrade fallout issues explored the Gallery php issue again, on cgi,uvm,edu. moot point, as Buddy now using Dspace

Posted in Landscape Change, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Activity Log

installed Cyclos software on badger for Mark  Gately/RobertConstanza script writing for Landscape Change project long meeting/consultation with Jens Hilke re Landscape Change project

Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Troubleshot a Pathology Education CGI script Met with Mark Gately to dicsuss cyclos project

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment