Category Archives: Scripts – Programming

Scripts and programs: writing, debugging, installing, consulting

Activity Log

addressed an issue with — conversion to parrot left this diasabled (noted by Leonard Perry) Landscape Change Project Coding

Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

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Landscape change coding media server issues art department proposal

Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

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landscape change project coding media server cut-over issues (L perry)

Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

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investigated UVM Experts Database questions for m austin started coding changes for Landscape Change

Posted in Landscape Change, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Moving Scripts to Parrot

Created yet another Capi interface (perl xs module providing perl hooks to Oracle capi (calendar application programming interface)), this time for RedHat linux on parrot. recompiled the old nph-count web page hit counter odometer code. now creates PNG instead of … Continue reading

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Activity Log

netid unity and mysql account page issues answered j lovelette questions about streaming video video server post-cutover issues parrot scripts met with Gagan Mirchandani to discuss live streaming video

Posted in mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

worked on art lab proposal taught student c lamont basics of PHP programming advised S Conrick on UVM Template issues issue with netid unity and mysql accounts script

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

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dspace admin issue for one of m tignor’s collaborators art lab summer proposal details media server cut-over issues (DMDL) and other scripts on parrot

Posted in Dspace, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Worked on getting prepublished calendars working last details on CMD purchase last details on media server answered R McCauley video capture questions

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Activity Log

continued to work on porting CT_cal familiy of functions to continued Media server  testing. Almost ready to deploy, so I sent a warning message to harley and Chris. finalized CMD purchase order

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment