Category Archives: Scripts – Programming

Scripts and programs: writing, debugging, installing, consulting


hacking about in wordpress-in-a-template (gosh, what happens when the UVM template is replaced by some other content management system?). Cleaned up my default.php, looked at a couple of the wordpress template tags (ya know, all the UVM template system needs … Continue reading

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a VMC server moved, so had to update empact scripts to find it helped p bierman with php scripts and their associated URIs

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

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helped d wang with mac video issues, imovie helped j bergmeier with php coding

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Back to the drawing board

Well, I figured it was time to update progress, so I looked to see what blogs I had left running and came back to this one. But I couldn’t login, with Safari or Firefox. Then I read Justins blog and … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

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helped kim parker debug construction web cam issues help n bach with php coding issue

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

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continuing where yesterday left off: mysql/php consulting for j bellum mysql admin for ctl, including debug new problems with account creation script php and how-CIT-works discussions with brian bittman

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met with j bellum mysql/php consulting, authentication mysql admin for ctl, including debug new problems with account creation script php and how-CIT-works discussiosns with brian bittman edited landscape change advanced search to allow searching for original file name

Posted in Landscape Change, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

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mysql admin for j bellum scanner research for l broughton server/scripting advice for brian bittman/wruv

Posted in MacOS Support, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

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updates to scripts that support web cams

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

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consultation with ML Razza re: macintosh purchase WRUV MP3 streaming project

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment