Category Archives: Professional Development
Free Books from my Bookshelf
Math, physics, computer science. And a signed copy of The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (Donald E.Knuth). Free for the taking, available only in Lafayette 407
CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 3
Day 3: Rolling out the federation Also see CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 1 CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 2 o Obviously, must sell to stakeholders — including your own IT org, … Continue reading
CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 2
Day 2, technical section Also see CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 1 CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 3 Attribute Delivery wwith Shibboleth Attributes are… o fetched by connectors o connectors transform attributes … Continue reading
CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 1
June 26–28, 2006
Wyndham Burlington, Burlington, Vermont
Unsure about what the Shibboleth System is about and how it can be used in production on your campus? Looking for a Web single sign-on package that can be used both for local applications and in federated environments?
Internet2’s Shibboleth is being deployed nationally and internationally to solve real-world problems associated with intra- and interinstitutional authentication and authorization. For Web-based access control, it leverages campus identity and access management infrastructures to authenticate individuals and then sends information about them to the resource site, enabling the resource provider to make an informed authorization decision. Continue reading
RedHat Install
Installed Red Hat ES with RAID1 mirroring on Dell server, configured for a bunch of users, downloaded and applied all system updates.