Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

Landscape Change Project

Discussed variety of minor issues with team, corrected and restarted thumnail script

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.htaccess problems

solved .htaccess problems for client gcargill

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medical leave

home with sick wife

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Landscape Change Project

restarted thumnail job — had lost DCE credentials doublechecked SQL generate by Ben’s last changes to quickSearch.php — missing + before 3-character expanded terms, not escaping embedded apostrophes

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Progress reports

endless tedium

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CMD Install-Fest

Today, installed and moved to RadMInd Server Epson 3590 driver Audacity lamelib mozilla MS Office Performed first update test on PowerBook — seemed to pass Remember to also add Fugu Fetch

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mySQL Mentoring

Mentoring Carol in the ways of mySQL

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Landscape Change Project: meeting

Met with Paul and interns, hammered out latest changes and responsibilities

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Continued install-fest. So far: QuickTime Pro license HandBrake RealPlayer Flip4mac MPEG Streamclip Handbrake FireFox Stuffit Expander More to come

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CMD Client support

Helped J winsted with scanning, iMovie, iDVD issues

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