Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

Art Scanners

Art department reported problems with Epson scanners: would scane once then report "no scanner attached." Oddly, fixed by running software update (including 10.4.2 = > 10.4.3) Took a while to track down.

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CMD Help

Filled in for Harley, helped several needy customers

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CMD Help

Installed MS Office on 2 CMD Macs; helped several customers

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Emily Jean Rehmeyer

 Emily Jean Rehmeyer had some script questions from her Landscape Change internship project.

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Emily Jean Rehmeyer

 Emily Jean Rehmeyer had some script questions from her Landscape Change internship project.

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iPod File Recovery

Carol Caldwell-Edmunds sked fro help with a client who’s hard drive had failed and was trying to recover 10 GB of music from iPod. Carol doesn’t have an iPod for testing. Installed drivers for iPod on Gateway; reformatted iPod, tried … Continue reading

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Web Publishing Help had questions about file permissions and default server behaviour with respect to same, in context of Fugu and Dreamweaver.

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File uploads via PHP

Samer ElJabary dropped by again, looking for more help with his image upload script.: this time, displaying what was uploaded.

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Preparing for Tea talk

Today’s Colleage tea is podcasting. Reviewed and updated my Ski Blog RSS feed template, put it on the web for easy access by others, checked my iTunes Podcasts to see if they were active and discoverable, saw how they looked … Continue reading

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Speed Test

Raced PowerBook versus Tablet, using QuickTime Player Pro as a vehicle. Exported the same  11.7 MB 3 minute (Sorenson) movie as V ideo for iPod. Mac took 9 minutes, PC took 12.

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