Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

fixed empact

empact data gathering scripts broken from recent mySQL upgrade. Fixed.

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Kathy Marmor

Met with Kathy to fix her CD to autoplay on Windows.

Posted in ElectronicArts, MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

Jane Petrillo

Conference with Jane Petrillo regarding lab problems

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Scripts to auto generate time lapse movies

Researched, downloaded, ported to AIX, compiled, installed and tested a variety of unix packages that might convert a folder full of images into Quicktime movie files. Finally settled on ffmpeg (from CVS). Wrote perl script that would run the package … Continue reading

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Samer ElJabary

Came by to put finishing touches on his project before heading home to palistine.

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Davis Construction cam

Advised clients why the 46 MB time-lapse video file take 15 minutes to download over cable modem

Posted in Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

More broken iPod

Continued to fiddle with iPod. Demonstrated the ease with which music can be extracted from iPod and inserted into iTunes for Windows, even without copypod of ipodcopy. But I still couldn’t  put new photos on it without it corrupting the … Continue reading

Posted in iPods, Projects | Leave a comment

iPod Photos fix

5th gen iPod was reporting "The ipod cannpt be read from or written to" while trying to update photos. Solution was to turn OFF photo synchronization; answer yes to "Delete all photos on iPod;" then turn ON photo synchronization. Ipod … Continue reading

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jpgraph for Emily

Emily wanted to know how to do this. See here for horizontal bars documentation    See here for reversed axis documentation     I couldn’t get $bplot->SetWidth() to work, so used SetAbsWidth Needed to stagger X axis values so bars didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Bruce Duncan and Rob Ryan

Provided code in the form of example sample web pages to Rob Tyan to link to streaming video placed online for Bruce Duncan.

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment