Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

Davis Construction cam

Taught Davis webmaster how to edit davis center construction videos in iMovie

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Davis Construction cam

helped Davis webmaster update Davis web pages for new camera

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

quicktime mpeg2 component

t streeter having problems downloading and installing quicktime mpeg2 component on new Intel MacBook.

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment


Wiki develpment: research and impliment permissions, authorizations for editing articles.

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment


Drew up technical requirements for videos posted to Let’s Debate.

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment


met with A . snider and I. Angwin to refince Wiki and LetsDebate wordpress organization.

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

CMD Help

Sitting in CMD aswering questions

Posted in Projects, Video Labs | Leave a comment

PHP and email addresses

Client asked I am working with two grad students who have created 3 Perseus surveys, and they areready to go.  They would like to use php to restrict who can take each survey.  Thestudents are from both UVM and St. … Continue reading

Posted in Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Davis Construction cam

Davis project people bought third camera. Configured it to upload to chipmunk, updated scripts to archive stills and create videos.

Posted in Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment


WordPress operational research: Pages, Categories, Sticky headings for Let’s Debate.

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