Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

CMD Stats

Obtained CMD workstation login records, wrote script to parse same, inserted in database table, and analyzed Continue reading

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Instructions for uploading a debate video

It goes something like this: Before you get started, we highly recommend using the free FireFox browser for PC or Macintosh. Many "Write a Post" and "Upload a File" features do not work with other brands. First, If this is … Continue reading

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Image Updates

Updated ART and CMD disk images, preparing for summer

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mysql questions

Office of International Education lost passwrod to mysql database created way back in Nov 2002. Found it.

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debateoneworld fixes

Apparently the changes I made last week to implement access restricts implemented some rather harsh restrictions. I think I’ve got it right now.

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Webteam meeting

Items with larger impact and some permancy: "Courses" functionality-Aaron was working on it, but not done we believe LDAP will remain intact, thus the Directory map needs update Tim will contact me re: web interface Things to do with Directory … Continue reading

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CMD Help

All workstations in use

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Unix questions

Tom Streeter asked about unix pathnames in context of MacOSX and terminal application

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment


Tried to account for my time over the month of April. Right. Do you rememeber what you did at work on April 4, 2006?

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Art Lab Fixes

The silly EPSON 2400 scanner was giving them problems again — Scans once in PhotoShop, then reportes No Scanner Atatched if you try to import again. Only workaround appears to be Quit Photoshop and relaunch.

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