Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

CMD Client support

Helped out Will with Client support

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RadMind for CMD/Art

Configuring base loadsets, testing

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Plasma Display Show

Found and studied manual for display, played with controls and configuration, tested it attached to my Mac

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CMD Client support

Various clients

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RadMind for CMD/Art

Configuring Server

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CMD Support

Helping clients

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discussions with CMD staff

discussions with CMD staff

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Figuring out Radmind

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RadMind for CMD/Art

Installed and configured server on old 766MHz/512MB RAM G4 coupled with 160 GB external firewire drive. Installed and configured client, over and over aagin, trying to both get it right and not crash and burn. The RadMind assistant is a … Continue reading

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Landscape Change Project: meeting

Met with Paul to discuss next phase of my involvement: Programming Issues for Wes (5/18/06) Preprocessing Images Goal is to have thumbnails of the right size ready to serve up and for these thumbnails to be created automatically when new … Continue reading

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