Category Archives: Projects

Stuff I’m working on

Student mentoring

Helping WIll with career decisions

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CMD Issues

Extended the RadMind process to the remainder of the CMD workstations. After updating, discovered problems with both Microsoft Office and Firefox. Waved a ead cat in the air and managed to resolve tose, created yet another update loadset to addres … Continue reading

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CMD Client support

Helped clients with video import/export issues, especialy as related to Powerpoint.

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Radmind/Final Cut STudio

First big test, applying Final Cut Studio 5.1 upgrade to CMD test workstation

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CMD Client support

Filled in for Will, assisted Hilary Neroni class

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Landscape Change Project

Worked on script to start copying all the images into new asset_store configuration.

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CMD Client support

Helped out Hiary Neroni and her students

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Plasma Display Show

Tested student work showcase script using old G4 and plasma display. Didn’t work all that well. Played with other script parameters

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CMD/Radmind/Final Cut Studio

Installed Final Cut Studio from DVD onto lab test machine (my former productio laptop); discovered issue with Superdrive where it ripped big gouges in disks. Ouch. Took it to Depot for repairs, ordered new disks.

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Plasma Display Show

Worked on dynamically generated SMIL file to display rando student works on the big CMD 50" plasma display.

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