Category Archives: MacOS Support

consulting, advice, pre-sales, care and maintenance, general usage, tips and tricks, problem solving

Activity Log

prepared estimate of programming effort required for next stage of landscape change program prepare CV for submission of grant required for next stage of landscape change program met with j bellum and investigated sql issues answered powerpoint questions for m … Continue reading

Posted in Documentation, Landscape Change, MacOS Support, mysql, Projects | Leave a comment

Activity Log

answered more iDVD questions for A Hendrickson fixed a form at answered iMovie questions from T Lyman met with Steve and paul Bierman to discuss Landscape Change program met with t hudspeth to discuss getting images from iphoto to … Continue reading

Posted in Landscape Change, MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

investigated iDVD issues for A Hendrickson replied to P Bierman about ACS support for next phase of landscape change note that all this done while home sick with William

Posted in Landscape Change, MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

investigated  and advised T Lyman on iMovie lost project issues more debugging of mysql account creation scripts addressed other mysql admin issues substitute teacher for kathy marmo’rs art classes. Taught them how to make web pages with Composer

Posted in MacOS Support, mysql, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video and Audio | Leave a comment

Activity Log

solved dreamweaver issues for G Nunley explained art lab changes and printing procedures to J petrillo software downloads pages changes/features/discussions software configuration consulting for T Lyman

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Activity Log

Quicktime broadcaster help for a snider art lab configuration questiones posed by T Lyman installed yet another version of dspace, went looking for newly announced thumbnail image support

Posted in Dspace, MacOS Support, Projects, Systems and Servers, Video and Audio, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Activity Log

MacOS consult for A Quinn Photoshop consult for T Patterson dreamweaver and web publishing issues examined for G Nunley configured computer for new animation stand in art department

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video Labs, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Activity Log

solved some issue re: macromedia dreamweaver file uploads for David Barrett somebody asked, "I am trying to deliver a txt file derived from one of the webdb mysql databases to user’s local drive. This is a general issue with all … Continue reading

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Scripts - Programming | Leave a comment

Activity Log

traced dspace issues to some bad dspace code. posted results to dspace-tech list explained to client why fugo doesn’t work with uvmadmin

Posted in Dspace, MacOS Support, Projects | Leave a comment

Activity Log

solved Final Cut pro issues for Ted Lyman

Posted in MacOS Support, Projects, Video and Audio | Leave a comment