Category Archives: ElectronicArts
Activity Log
attended apple new products meeting communications with t lyman regarding new art lab hardware, software, current inventory met with Kathy to work on art installation project
Activity Log
met with kathy to work on art installation, isadora
Motion detection and object tracking with Isadora
Isadora is a graphic programming environment for Macintosh (with a Windows version now in public beta) that provides interactive control over digital media, with special emphasis on the real-time manipulation of digital video. Available from http:// Kathy Marmor has … Continue reading
Activity Log
experimented with isadora, for use with electronic arts projects experimented with ohphone worked with kent getting icecast installled on funnelweb tried to figure out why my homepage doesn’t work worked with frank on getting rss feeds on his home page
Activity Log
met with Kathy Marmor to work on electronic arts projects met with melody burkins to discuss VMC data, programs, support, dreamweaver
Activity Log
Initiated discussions with TSG and CIT management regarding a new Dspace server or more disk space for current server tried a bunch of tricks to release more free disk space to dspace users taught Art Classes for kathy all morning
Activity Log
fixed issue with software downloads page edit features dealt with dspace disk space issues mysql admin issues for k Hytten, c Balduino, b bittman php consult for j bellum dspace upload format questions from g Mora-Klepeis long conversations with brian … Continue reading
Activity Log
met with k marmor to discuss me teaching her classes while she is gone mysql admin issues for fiona abbott more g nunley dreamweaver issues
Detector Progress
My physical computing projects are coming along. I’ve built an infrared distance detector. I’m trying to tune the IR-LED frequencies to detect objects at very close range. I’ve hooked in a potentiometer to control the frequency of the LED, and … Continue reading
Activity Log
php help for n bach edited the script to generate iCal friendly ics files met with kathy Marmor. My physical computing projects are coming along.