“I am wanting the use BigBlueButton for my Educational Technology class”

Carmen Petrick Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education writes:

I am wanting the use BigBlueButton for my Educational Technology class to video chat with a class of 6th grade students.  The 6th graders have netbooks and iPads.  Will this be possible?

Also, from the website, I’m not able to figure out how to set up a meeting.  

Can’t use Skype, FaceTime, etc. because kids don’t/can’t have usernames and passwords for those tools


Since I can’t think of anything that would work better (i.e., require kids to register for something to get an ID and Password), I continued to pound on Big Blue Button
I created 24 ‘meeting rooms.” find them at
No need to log in yet. I see each of your students assigned to one of these 24 rooms. They click on their room number and see…
Have them all sign in as moderators using the secret password ‘dog’ and their real name

Meanwhile, you have similarly divided up the remote kids into 24 groups, one group for each room. They go to the list, find their room, and sign in as guest attendees using secret password ‘cat’ and their name

About Wesley Wright

Born on a mountain top near New York City, Craziest state in the land of the pretty. Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, Killed him a bear when he was only three.
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