Monthly Archives: June 2006

Landscape Change Project

batch script failed on image, reporteing out of memory. Jumped through same hoops, now adding libjpeg to the mix, trying to make it process.

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Landscape Change Project

Spent more time at home after work  fiddling, looking at code yet to be written, told Paul about  changes

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Landscape Change Project

Big progress. Modified hash script to check source and target file dates; if forner is newer than later, update create small thumbnail creaet large thumbnail creat zoomify images It’s running now Also created zoomify.php to display zoomify results

Posted in Landscape Change, Projects | Leave a comment

Finaly figured out secret: configure libgd –with-PREFIX=my_home, edit makefile and global replace libgd with libgd_033. Make, install. Switch to GD, perl Makefile.PL, edit makefile, change references to libgd to libgd_033 in my_home, make. Ta-da!

Posted in Projects, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Dreamweaver broken in CMD

Macromind Studio MX 2004 and RadMind haven’t mxed very well. After updating 3 out of 4 clients, Dreamweaver doesn’t work. Experiece behavior like this. Found references here. But stil no luck.

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Tried to nstall on anything. HA! Lots of version problems. No tangible progress yet.

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Davis Construction cam movie

helped Kate debug a movie embedded in HTML page that wouldn’t play in Explorer. She has an errant space in the URL, but boy was it hard to fins

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