Monthly Archives: June 2006
Analyzed a WebCT/RealPlayer problem
I spent about 45 minutes examining this problem in the UVM library with student. Apparently the same problem exists there. The problem videos are all RealPlayer (synonyms RealMedia, Realvideo, RealNetworks) videos. The working videos are all QuickTime videos. Using the … Continue reading
Landscape Change Project
Discussed variety of minor issues with team, corrected and restarted thumnail script
.htaccess problems
solved .htaccess problems for client gcargill
Landscape Change Project
restarted thumnail job — had lost DCE credentials doublechecked SQL generate by Ben’s last changes to quickSearch.php — missing + before 3-character expanded terms, not escaping embedded apostrophes
CMD Install-Fest
Today, installed and moved to RadMInd Server Epson 3590 driver Audacity lamelib mozilla MS Office Performed first update test on PowerBook — seemed to pass Remember to also add Fugu Fetch
Landscape Change Project: meeting
Met with Paul and interns, hammered out latest changes and responsibilities
Continued install-fest. So far: QuickTime Pro license HandBrake RealPlayer Flip4mac MPEG Streamclip Handbrake FireFox Stuffit Expander More to come