Monthly Archives: June 2006
Landscape Change Project: thinking
More LCP => Dublin core mapping. Not as easy as it looks/
Propagated new RadMdn image to CMS Macs 1,2, and 3. And stupid Macormedia Studio MX 2004 applications still do not launch, same symptoms as before. Frustrating. Removed the Macromedia overlay from the configuration, which should have effectively uninstalled all of … Continue reading
Landscape Change Project: thinking
Continued research on LCP => Dublin Core mappings
Completed configuration. Reconditioned lab eMac with more emmeory, removed OpenFirmware password, updated with RadMind image, started firt update of real lab machines with CMD Mac 4.
Web Team meeting
Met with team member to discuss future support issues
Web Team/LRG meeting with M. Stoner
Select members of LRG met with consultant M. Stoner to discuss UVM web
Finished up the final configuration, installing Quicktime updates, motion updates, and OS 10.4.7 updates.
CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 3
Day 3: Rolling out the federation Also see CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 1 CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 2 o Obviously, must sell to stakeholders — including your own IT org, … Continue reading
CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 2
Day 2, technical section Also see CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 1 CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 3 Attribute Delivery wwith Shibboleth Attributes are… o fetched by connectors o connectors transform attributes … Continue reading
CAMP Shibboleth: Enabling Campus and Federated Single Sign-On, Day 1
June 26–28, 2006
Wyndham Burlington, Burlington, Vermont
Unsure about what the Shibboleth System is about and how it can be used in production on your campus? Looking for a Web single sign-on package that can be used both for local applications and in federated environments?
Internet2’s Shibboleth is being deployed nationally and internationally to solve real-world problems associated with intra- and interinstitutional authentication and authorization. For Web-based access control, it leverages campus identity and access management infrastructures to authenticate individuals and then sends information about them to the resource site, enabling the resource provider to make an informed authorization decision. Continue reading