Monthly Archives: April 2006
Art Lab Fixes
The silly EPSON 2400 scanner was giving them problems again — Scans once in PhotoShop, then reportes No Scanner Atatched if you try to import again. Only workaround appears to be Quit Photoshop and relaunch.
Davis Construction cam
Taught Davis webmaster how to edit davis center construction videos in iMovie
Davis Construction cam
helped Davis webmaster update Davis web pages for new camera
quicktime mpeg2 component
t streeter having problems downloading and installing quicktime mpeg2 component on new Intel MacBook.
Wiki develpment: research and impliment permissions, authorizations for editing articles.
Drew up technical requirements for videos posted to Let’s Debate.
met with A . snider and I. Angwin to refince Wiki and LetsDebate wordpress organization.
PHP and email addresses
Client asked I am working with two grad students who have created 3 Perseus surveys, and they areready to go. They would like to use php to restrict who can take each survey. Thestudents are from both UVM and St. … Continue reading
Davis Construction cam
Davis project people bought third camera. Configured it to upload to chipmunk, updated scripts to archive stills and create videos.