Monthly Archives: November 2005

CMD Help

Played TechCat for Harley at the CMD, including further investigation of iMovie export issued reported by Ted Lyman.

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Podcast a secure file?

It works. tricky part is making it work with our blogging tools. Try this: go to iTunes, Advanced, subscribe to podcast. Give this URL That is a static XML file, created with a text editor. It contains an … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Projects | Leave a comment

WebCT Charrette

Worked with the WebCT Team to hammer on WebCT 6

Posted in Projects, Web Publishing Support | Leave a comment

Williams Lab Issues

Investigated a number of WIlliams lab issues for Ted Lyman

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mySQL Policies

Jeff Bond wanted a mySQL database for CircusSmirkus, wondered how to get it and if there were any policy issues. I told him no

Posted in mysql, Projects | Leave a comment

Landscape Questions

Paul had TSG change ownership of all /:/perkins files to perkins:perkins; unfortunately, this swept up all /:/perkins/landscape files, too. Helped him unravel the problem

Posted in Projects, Systems and Servers | Leave a comment

Academic Computing Space Requirements Staff Meeting

Discussed space and other issues with ACS staff, architect

Posted in Overhead, Projects | Leave a comment

CMD Help

Filled in for Harley at CMD, helped 3 needy customers

Posted in Projects, Video Labs | Leave a comment

Art Scanners

Art department reported problems with Epson scanners: would scane once then report "no scanner attached." Oddly, fixed by running software update (including 10.4.2 = > 10.4.3) Took a while to track down.

Posted in Projects, Video Labs | Leave a comment

CMD Help

Filled in for Harley, helped several needy customers

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