Monthly Archives: June 2005
Activity Log
Software installs on new library macs, creating a new disk image for lab solved issue with new video server for Leonard Perry
Activity Log
Landscape change coding media server issues art department proposal
Activity Log
landscape change project coding media server cut-over issues (L perry)
Activity Log
investigated UVM Experts Database questions for m austin started coding changes for Landscape Change
Moving Scripts to Parrot
Created yet another Capi interface (perl xs module providing perl hooks to Oracle capi (calendar application programming interface)), this time for RedHat linux on parrot. recompiled the old nph-count web page hit counter odometer code. now creates PNG instead of … Continue reading
Synchronous Classes via Quicktime video
Gagan Mirchandani, Professor Electrical&Computer Engrn asked me… I am looking into the matter of having my Fall class lectures available to people in our local industries. I am not aware of my options. Ideally, I would like to have my … Continue reading
Activity Log
netid unity and mysql account page issues answered j lovelette questions about streaming video video server post-cutover issues parrot scripts met with Gagan Mirchandani to discuss live streaming video
Activity Log
worked on art lab proposal taught student c lamont basics of PHP programming advised S Conrick on UVM Template issues issue with netid unity and mysql accounts script