Monthly Archives: September 2004
Activity Log
wrote script to allow auto account creation for mySQL
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installed movable type on weasel, and tied database back to one on to mirror installation met with gayle nunley to discuss dreamweaver problems
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solved script issues for L Izzo answer web questions for M Hopkins reconfigured print server in art lab uvmdc meeting
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solved dreamweaver issues for G Nunley explained art lab changes and printing procedures to J petrillo software downloads pages changes/features/discussions software configuration consulting for T Lyman
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explored print server issues in art lab helped L schneider with web publishing problems software downloads page edits and corrections
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Quicktime broadcaster help for a snider art lab configuration questiones posed by T Lyman installed yet another version of dspace, went looking for newly announced thumbnail image support
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MacOS consult for A Quinn Photoshop consult for T Patterson dreamweaver and web publishing issues examined for G Nunley configured computer for new animation stand in art department
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solved some issue re: macromedia dreamweaver file uploads for David Barrett somebody asked, "I am trying to deliver a txt file derived from one of the webdb mysql databases to user’s local drive. This is a general issue with all … Continue reading
Activity Log
answered questions about webcams for w graf and division of student life (annie steves) added new features to CIT Software downloads pages