Monthly Archives: July 2004
Activity Log
troubleshooting software downloads page issue for helpline restored data mysteriously dropped from Landscape Change database discovered why data was disappearing (serious bad coding on scripts found by search robots)
Activity Log
took a test drive of ContentDM from user perspective explored Dspace item importer met with Maria Short to work on video capture
Activity Log
Landscape Change project file management — worked with Mike and Frank to set things up, explained things to Paul Researched prices, options for new Powerbook
Activity Log
installed Cyclos software on badger for Mark Gately/RobertConstanza script writing for Landscape Change project long meeting/consultation with Jens Hilke re Landscape Change project
Dspace now on badger
I have successfully move dSpace from small but friendly Macintosh weasel to large and unwieldy IBM badger. Well, unwieldy for me, but you should find the badger to be quite well behaved and robust. For the time being, please now … Continue reading
Activity Log
All sorts of consultation for jens Hilke and Paul Bierman re: changes to landscape change file management Lots of time spent trying to apply the "C Wrapper Trick" to php files on wrote trip report about Middlebury Library dr … Continue reading
Activity Log
Troubleshot a Pathology Education CGI script Met with Mark Gately to dicsuss cyclos project
Released the all new CIT Software downloads page
Released the all new CIT Software downloads page. Spent a lot of time responding to questions/complaints/corrections. This system is aimed at replacing the current page at . It is fully data-driven by (mySQL) database tables . The motivation … Continue reading