Altars Analysis

The final project for this class will draw on and further develop your research, writing, organizational, and collaborative skills. You will work together in a small group in order to document and analyze one of the four altars installed in the Fleming Museum for the Spirited Things exhibition.

The altar analysis will include the following components:

  1. Background information on the history and cultural context in which altars such as the one you are analyzing are created.
  2. An explanation of the purpose of the altar. How is it used? Who created it?
  3. A complete catalog of all items on the altar. This catalog should include:
    • A list of all objects on the altar, coded to a photograph of the altar;
    • A short (1-2 sentence) description of each object, along with,
    • A short explanation of why the object is on the altar.
  4. You also need to account for the layout of the altar. Why does it appear in the way that it does? How are the items on the altar assembled and organized?
  5. A reflection on studying religion from the perspective of altars and sacred objects—what does such a perspective offer to the study of religion? How does an emphasis on materiality affect how religion is defined? What do we learn about these specific religions by centering our study on altars?


Spiritist Altar: Jack, Wyatt, Noah

Yoruba Altar: Jamie, Hayden, Louisa, Dan

Vodou Altar: Greg, Alyssa, Joe, Tessa, Reshma

Santeria Altar: Michael H., Scarlet, Eli, Seth, Sam, Michael S.


LIST OF OBJECTS:  You should begin your project by creating a list of all of the objects on the altar. The list of objects, with preliminary descriptions/explanations, should be completed by 11:59pm on Monday, November 13.

NOTE: Most of the objects can be found in the Sacred Arts of the Black Atlantic database; however, some items are not listed there. For those objects you should prepare a list of questions for Professor Matory and the curators at the Fleming Museum to help you identify and interpret these objects.

TEXT ANALYSIS: A draft of the background text,  the text that explains the purpose and nature of construction of your altar, and the text that accounts for the layout of the altar is due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, November 29.

CONCLUDING TEXT: A draft of the final reflection on the study of religion is due by 11:59pm on Monday, December 4.

FINAL PROJECT: The final, complete analysis, which includes all revised and completed texts, the list of all objects with their descriptions, and photographs of the altar in support of your analysis, is due by NOON on Thursday, December 14.