Object Analysis: Annotated Bibliography

Matory, J. Lorand. ms. The Fetish Revisited: Marx, Freud, and the Gods Black People Make.

I found this through the recommendation of Professor Brennan. In this portion of a manuscript chapter written by Professor Matory he speaks of crowns, fly whisks, and how royalism of the gods and of the processes of how they are worshiped, are demonstrated in the different  Santería/Ocha, Brazilian Candomblé, and other Yoruba-Atlantic religions.

Professor Matory has an interesting perspective on this, he looks these religions in both an academic way but also from the way of a practitioner of the religion. The goal of the work is to get the reader to look at the similarities between these Yoruba-Atlantic religions on the topics of royalism and the different types of crowns and other objects that aid in the worshiping of the gods.


Flores-Peña, Ysamur, and Roberta J. Evanchuk. 2011. Santería garments and altars: speaking without a voice. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.

This book was also recommended to me by Professor Brennan for my research. The book narrated by a seamstress from the Santería religion who explains how the garments and crowns worn by initiates into the priest or priestess hood are created and then meaning that is behind the choice in fabric or beading that the seamstress chooses to use. As well as this, the Santería practitioner speaks of the different types of altars for orisha worship and what kind of work goes into them.

The author is writing this from the position of an actual practitioner of the religion trying to educate the public on the process that go into being able to properly worship the gods in a respectful and appropriate way, and the traditions behind them.


Gordon, Jacob U. 1979. “Yoruba Cosmology and Culture in Brazil.” Journal of Black Studies 9 (4): 231–44. doi:10.1177/002193477900900406.

I found this article through JSTOR by searching the various spellings for the yemoya. This article speaks about Yoruba cosmology and culture in Brazil, it gives background on the yoruba culture and cosmology before getting into how it was brought into Brazil and giving information on the various gods and goddess of the religion.

The author is writing this from a very academic standpoint, going over the basic history of the religion and how it entered and has changed since coming to Brazil

-Sam Brady

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