Hey Folks, Addison County Fair and Field Days is coming up August 9 – 13th and we are looking forward to your entries. Help us show and tell the general public about the crops you grow and use your prize winnings on fair treats for the family!
Bring in your crop entries:
Monday, August 8, 2016 – 8 AM to 12 noon
- A farm may have only one (1) entry in each class. All entries must be produced on the exhibitor’s farm.
- Bring exhibits to the 4-H Exhibit Building on Monday, August 8th between 8:00 AM and 12:00 noon-This is the only time to enter!
- Entries must be tagged using Field Days’ tags: grower name, farm name, address, class, & variety.
- Entries will be judged and awarded ribbons as follows: Excellent – Blue; Good – Red; Fair – White;
Rosettes for Best of Class and Best of Show.
- Premiums paid: Blue – $15 Red – $10 White – $5
Best of Each Class – $25 Overall Best of Show – $50
1. Corn Plants – 3 whole plants with roots intact
2. Soybean – 5 whole plants with roots intact
3. Cereal Grains-Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye – bundle
4. Corn Silage – 1 Quart Jar
5. Snaplage or ground ear corn – 1 Quart Jar
6. Grass Haylage – 1 Quart Jar
7. Legume Haylage- 1 Quart Jar
8. Dry Hay-Legume – 1 Slice of a Bale
9. Dry Hay-Grass- 1 Slice of a Bale
10. Dry Hay-Mixed legume/grass – 1 Slice of a Bale
11. Wrapped Baleage Hay – 1 Gallon zip-lock bag
12. Corn Grain Whole – 1 Quart Jar
13. Corn Grain Ground- 1 Quart Jar
14. Soybean Grain Whole – 1 Quart Jar
15. Cereal Grain Whole – 1 Quart Jar
16. OTHER Pulse OR Brassuca Seed Whole- 1 Quart Jar
Addison County Fair Website: http://www.addisoncountyfielddays.com/