April 10th, 2024, 8:30am-3:30pm
American Legion Post 27, 49 Wilson Rd, Middlebury, VT
Join UVM Extension, Cornell PRO-DAIRY, and the Champlain Valley Farmer Coalition for this free workshop on dairy sustainability and the latest water, soil, and climate research.
Workshop highlights include climate and environmental
leadership, whole farm environmental assessments, managing enteric emissions, climate-smart manure management, building sustainability and resiliency in our dairy cropping systems, and Vermont resources and policy. View full agenda here or below!
Please register online by Monday April 8 at https://go.uvm.edu/dairysustainability. If you cannot register online or have questions about your registration, please call the UVM Non-Credit Registration Office at 802-656-8407.
For program questions, contact Abby Augarten at 802-656-7544 or abigail.augarten@uvm.edu.
To request a disability-related accommodation to participate in this program, please call or email Karen Gallott 802-656-7540 or karen.gallott@uvm.edu by Wednesday, March 20, 2024 so we may assist you.