Introducing: Family Imposter/Emergency Scam Prevention Videos

No matter what the scammers say when they initiate the family imposter/ emergency scam, it is sure to spike emotion. Scammers call, claiming to be one of your most cherished loved ones—your grandchild—and ignite fear that those you care about are in dire need. With emotions running high, how can you not engage with the call, stay on the line, and find out more? You are worried and feel helpless because all you have to validate this story is the phone in your hand and the fear of what if.  Verification of the family imposter scam starts with the SLOW method, a scam response strategy I created specifically to pause and identify scams. It urges people to Slow Down, Log the Contact, make One Call to a primary contact to discuss the incident, and call an organization in your life Who Cares, such as the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) at 1-800-649-2424.    Continue reading

Introducing: Romance Scam Prevention Videos

By Crystal Baldwin Anyone who has overheard the conversation of online streaming video game players on opposite sides of the globe knows that real and true friendships can form online between parties that have never met before. As shared in the following … Continue reading

Imposter Scams: Take Steps to Verify. Video Scam Prevention Project

By Crystal Baldwin My fellow Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) colleagues and I have heard hundreds of personal stories from those who have experienced loss due to scams. The effects of scams are devastating and overwhelming. We understand where you are coming from when you … Continue reading

The SLOW Method to Stop Scams

For scam interactions and consumer transactions generally, you can apply the SLOW method to disrupt the unpredictable reaction response you are likely to experience by substituting a planned response instead. At the onset of the first communication, start with SLOW as … Continue reading

Scammers are using cryptocurrency to steal your money

By Crystal Baldwin  Recently, three Vermonters reported losing just under $1 million in total to cryptocurrency scams.  Entire retirement accounts were drained, and because of early withdrawal penalties, thousands of dollars are due to the IRS.  Some owe family members … Continue reading