World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Help in Your Community

By Crystal Baldwin

As we prepare for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day this Saturday, please read and share: “Finding Help,” a guidon help options for Vermonters experiencing elder abuse, exploitation and neglect. 

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Building Strong Support for Elders - National Center on Elder Abuse - My Community, your community - free of elder abuse
National Center on Elder Abuse – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

When considering care for our loved ones, there is a lot to think about . Who should help manage their money? Should someone live with them, and who? Can we afford to hire an in-home caregiver? Should we seek out assisted living care, or think about an adult day option? Once everything is finally sorted out, we can exhale. But should we? As our parents checked in on our wellbeing as children, once our elders are set and settled, we must continue to check in on them, too, with great care and concern for their wellbeing. 

On this World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we must be vigilant and aware of the risk factors and signs of elder abuse. We must serve as supportive connections to older adults in our communities to prevent their social isolation—one of the main elder abuse risk factors ( As someone who has cared for a vulnerable elder, I know firsthand that it can be difficult to know where to turn for help, advice, and guidance.   

Finding Help: Abuse, Exploitation & Neglect in Later Life - link to guide
Finding Help – A resource guide produced by the VT Attorney General’s Office and the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living

Last fall, the Vermont Attorney General’s Elder Protection Initiative and the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living launched the Finding Help: Abuse, Exploitation and Neglect in Later Life help guide, a resource for Vermont’s most vulnerable and those who care for them. The guide walks through how to recognize abuse and exploitation, help options outside of government, as well as how to report elder abuse or exploitation to government for response. This resource outlines free services provided by an array of organizations and state agencies, including: 

  • Elder abuse hotlines and helplines 
  • Case managers and social workers 
  • Domestic & sexual violence organizations 
  • Legal services; and 
  • Other community-based organizations and professionals 

You can help prevent elder abuse and exploitation. I encourage you to share and save a copy of this guide and keep it among your most referenced resources. Also, consider printing out the following abbreviated resource guide and share it with the elders in your life.  It includes some of the primary referral resource hotlines and can be kept handy close to the phone for easy reference.   

Resources for VTer's 60+
Vermont 2-1-1
VT Area Agencies on Aging 1-800-642-5119
VT Adult Protective Svcs 1-800-564-1612
VT Office of the Public Guardian 1-800-642-3100
UVMMC Case Mgmt and Social Work Team 1-802-847-3553
SASH 1-802-863-2224
Blueprint for Health - contact a Primary Care Physician. National Elder Fraud Hotline: 1-833-372-8311
Resources for Vermonters 60+. Print and share.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day:

Attorney General Clark Releases Top 10 Scams of 2023

BURLINGTON, Vt. – Scam reports to the Attorney General’s Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) totaled 3,212 in 2023. The “computer tech support” scam took the number one spot on the list, totaling almost 25 percent of the top scams reported. Phishing scams involving financial institutions, where a scammer tries to lure victims into clicking malicious links or tricking them into providing sensitive information which can be used to steal money, took the number two spot, accounting for a little more than 11 percent of the top scam reports in 2023.

Top 10 Scams in Vermont, 2023: Computer Tech Support, 531; Phishing, 246; Law Enforcement Imposter, 228; Medicare Card Phishing, 210; Identity Theft, 206; Sweepstakes/Lotteries, 184; Fake Websites/Online Listings, 178; Family Emergency Imposter, 136; Deceitful Solicitations, 135; Rewards Credit, 132.

A new scam—the “rewards credit” scam—was reported to CAP for the first time in 2023, rounding out the list of top 10 scams. This scam involves an email or text message that states there are unclaimed rewards, typically earned as a reward credit in points, a gift card, or redemption coupon. The message displays as being from major retailers and includes a link to click or a number to call. When victims click on the link, they are asked to confirm their identity by giving personal information, then payment is requested for processing or shipping.

“We know that scammers have likely reached every Vermonter, often more than once. You may have received an annoying scam call or text, been lied to by a scammer, or lost money to a scam. But the good news is, we can fight scams by reporting them to the Consumer Assistance Program and spreading awareness within our communities.”

Attorney General Clark.

CAP actively updates scam prevention resources and strategies and manages the CAP Connection blog, keeping Vermonters informed about important consumer issues.

All Vermonters can help fight scams by reporting them to CAP and sharing prevention strategies in their community. To learn more about scams, visit:

The Top 10 Scams of 2023:

Top 10Scam TypeReported Totals
1Computer Tech Support531
2Phishing (Bank, etc.)246
3Law Enforcement Imposter228
4Medicare Card Phishing210
5Identity Theft206
7Fake Websites/Online Listings178
8Family Emergency Imposter136
9Deceitful Solicitations135
10Rewards Credit132
Vermont’s Top 10 Scams of 2023 Ranked in order based on number of complaints reported to the Vermont Consumer Assistance Program

Top 10 Scams of 2023 Breakdown

  1. Computer Tech Support

The scam: You receive a phone call, pop-up, email or text message on your computer claiming to be a well-known company; sometimes it’s a tech company like Norton, Apple, or Microsoft, or it’s Amazon saying your credit card has been charged, or there is a package delivery delay. They will urge you to contact them due to a problem: your electronic device has a virus, your device security subscription has been automatically renewed, or you have been charged for services you did not receive or request. You may be prompted to click a link or call a number to contact. They will try to persuade you to give remote access to your device to fix the problem, and sometimes will even ask for immediate payment for their services or have you login to your online bank account to initiate a transfer.  

How to spot the scam: Companies will not call with tech support unless you requested that they contact you. Legitimate tech support companies do not display communications to their customers as random notices or alerts on your device. Tech support will not call you to warn of security incidents, that your account has been renewed for a subscription you do not recognize and will not send you random links with instructions for you to click on URLs. If you receive a package that you do not recall ordering, check your statement history to see if you have been charged. Packages without a return address are highly suspicious.

What to do: When contacted about a supposed business relationship, take steps to verify, especially if you do not remember purchasing the products/services. Never click on links or provide remote access to your computer from an unknown sender or pop-up message on your device’s screen. If you received a pop-up message you cannot click out of, shut down, restart, or unplug your device. If you get a call from “tech support”, hang up. Also, be careful when searching for tech support online. Some users have been scammed by calling inaccurate phone numbers listed online. If you are concerned about charges made to your accounts, log in to your account directly and contact your financial institution. If you receive a package that you did not order, write “return to sender” on it and give it back to the mail carrier.

2. Phishing

The scam: You receive an email or phone call claiming to be from a bank or entity that keeps personal identifiable information (PII), like the Social Security Administration. The communication may claim that your account is in danger or has been suspended, or that your card is on hold due to suspicion activity. Emails may also include links to phony websites. Phone calls may claim that there has been fraudulent activity involving your account, and the scammers demand personal information about you and your account. 

How to spot the scam: Scammers mask their actual identity by changing the sender’s name to the name of the cloned entity. Look at the email address before opening the email. You will often find an account not affiliated with the claimed entity. Similarly, scammers can spoof phone numbers of real businesses. If you answer a call that appears to be from a company with which you maintain an account and they ask for your personal and/or account information, hang up and call the company directly on a number you trust and verify their attempt to contact you. 

What to do: Do not reply to the email or click on any links or attachments included on the message. If you receive a call, hang up the phone. Correspond with entities only using verified contact information, such as information listed on your statement.

3. Law Enforcement Imposter

The scam: You receive a phone call unexpectedly, claiming to be a police officer, sheriff, U.S. Marshall, or the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The caller threatens arrest or legal action or says there is a warrant out against you. When you engage, urgent payment is demanded to make the problem go away. Payment does not solve the supposed problem, and they keep calling. 

How to spot the scam: Law enforcers do not warn you ahead of time about a pending warrant or arrest. Legal action follows standard due process and there is a lot of paperwork, typically delivered by mail or served in person.   

What to do: Hang up on all arrest threats and report them. Watch out for similar government imposter scams that purport to be agents of government, including from the Social Security Administration, the IRS and more.

4. Medicare Card Phishing

The scam: Scammers will call, often with a live call and from a spoofed caller ID number, and pose as Medicare representatives to gain your personal information and money. These scams are most frequent during times of open enrollment but can occur year-round. The scammers will state they need your Medicare card number or Social Security number to keep your coverage active and verify medical information. The calls may also claim that coverage is expiring or in need of renewal. Scammers will also ask if you received a “new Medicare card.”

How to spot the scam: In general, Medicare cards do not expire. Unless you have called Medicare using the 800 number on the back of your card and requested a callback, Medicare will not call you. If a phone call is required, you would receive a letter from the Social Security Administration to schedule a call. Medicare representatives will never call you in an attempt to verify your information, sell you products, tell you that your coverage is expiring, or to issue you a new card.

What to do: Never provide your Medicare number or other personal information and payment to unknown callers. In Vermont, representatives of the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) at 1-800-642-5119 through local Area Agencies on Aging can help address Medicare questions. Other questions and concerns about Medicare coverage can be directed to Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE.

5. Identity Theft

The scam: Your personal information is compromised and may be used for another’s financial gain. This can look like: an unauthorized charge on an account, receiving a letter about a new account opening or a data breach notification. You might stop receiving legitimate bills and other mail or start to get bills for products and services that you didn’t arrange.

How to spot the scam: Beware of communications denoting unexpected bank transactions, credit card or benefit applications. If your expected bills are not showing up, or you are receiving correspondence in someone else’s name, report it.

What to do: Don’t give out personal information, such as your Social Security number, passwords, personal identification numbers, and financial accounts. Review your credit reports at least once a year. (You can access your credit report for free). Carefully check bank account statements and benefits to verify transactions. Shred documents and expired credit cards before you throw them out. Verify security breach notification letters received on the Attorney General’s website. If your information has been stolen by an identity thief, take identity theft protection steps. You can safeguard your financial information by placing a credit freeze on your credit report.

6. Sweepstakes/Lotteries

The scam: You will be notified by phone, email, or mail that you won a prize or a quantity of money. In some cases, you will even receive a realistic-looking check – but it is fake! You are instructed to pay fees and give your financial and personal information to claim your prize. They often use a legitimate sweepstakes name, like Publishers Clearing House.

How to spot the scam: Legitimate sweepstakes and contest businesses, like Publishers Clearing House and Mega Millions lottery, will contact you in person if you win a major prize. For prizes under $10,000, the notification is done through certified mail by overnight delivery services (FedEx, UPS). They will not contact you by phone, nor require a payment or processing fee to release your prize.

What to do: If it sounds too good to be true, then it’s not true. You don’t need to pay fees to an entity, whether for processing, shipping/handling, insurance, and taxes, etc., or give your financial information in order to claim a prize.

7. Fake Websites/Online Listings

The scam: Fake websites or phony listings draw you into a purchase that is enticing. Listings may include online storefronts, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist posts that don’t deliver after payment has been made, cheap pet sales, and websites with steep discounts. This scam can also appear in online rental listings as well as target online sellers.

How to spot the scam: Be skeptical of unrealistic offers. Watch out for requests for money in any form when not made in person. Scammers likely will not want to talk on the phone or meet in person. Heed warnings in user reviews and other online commentary.

What to do: Investigate the person/profile of the seller. If their profile is new and they have no friends and photos, they are likely a scam. Verify the website URL is the actual business’ site and not a copycat. Research new websites you are considering doing business with by looking up online reviews and business registrations, taking note of how long the company has been operating. Perform online searches of the business with “scam” and “complaints” to see if issues generate. For classified-type listings, complete your transactions in cash and preferably at a safe place in person.

8. Family Emergency/Imposter

The scam: Scammers pose to be someone you trust and pretend to be in a crisis to convince you to send them money or will ask you for a favor. These scammers pose as grandchildren, friends, relatives, and close contacts appearing to be someone you know. Scammers impersonate people you adore and play on your fears to have you send money urgently. After the initial contact, you may be redirected to a lawyer or parole officer. Sometimes the voices in the phone call sound like relatives due to scammers utilizing artificial intelligence. In person couriers may also come to retrieve funds.

How to spot the scam: Contacts come in as calls, emails, or online messages. Sometimes it’s someone you haven’t heard from in a while. They require urgency and ask for secrecy. You may be instructed not to speak to your loved one on the phone.

What to do: Take steps to verify. Check out if they really are who they say, even if they sound like a loved one. Slow down your response and contact someone you trust to verify if there is an emergency. You can also choose a “code word” with friends and family to verify the person is who they claim to be. If they don’t know the word, they are not your friend or family member. Do not give money to in person couriers.

9. Deceitful Solicitations

The scam: You receive unsolicited communication with a deceptive promotion. Unreal offers may appear to be from a known business, like Xfinity, DirecTV, or Dish Network. Solicitations may purport affiliation with a charitable cause or make low-ball offers on the sale of real estate, urging recipients to complete an enclosed one-page form contract to sign over their home.

How to spot the scam: Beware of unsolicited offers you cannot verify. Be especially weary of offers that ask you to complete the transaction quickly or in one sitting.

What to do: Hang up on unknown callers and let calls go to voicemail. When you receive mailings, take extra time to review by inspecting the details and using your personal contacts as a sounding board. Never give over your payment information or sign on the line when you don’t understand the offer or details.

10. Rewards Credit

The scam: You get an email or text message that you have unclaimed rewards, or have earned a reward credit in points, a gift card, or redemption coupon. The message displays as being from major retailers and includes a link to click or a number to call. When you do, you are asked to confirm your identity by remitting personal information, then payment is requested for processing or shipping.

How to spot the scam: Rewards points and credits are earned through a pre-established program that you would have opted into. If you are a member of a rewards program, the redemption steps are outlined within the rewards program, and you would not need to resubmit your information. Most store rewards programs are activated with basic consumer information (name/address/email/phone number). If you are not a member of a rewards program, but are receiving notices about one, it’s a scam.

What to do: Do not reply to messages or click on any links. If you believe you may be due rewards points or credits, log into your account directly or contact the program’s customer service line on a trusted number.

Scams Reported by Businesses in 2023

168 of the 3213 scams reported to the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) were submitted by Vermont businesses.  

The 5 most common scams for businesses include: Imposters of business personnel, fake orders of goods or services, business identity theft, businesses phone numbers being hijacked or spoofed, and phishing emails contacting businesses.

The top scam for businesses to look out for is the Imposter of Business Personnel aka the Business Email Imposter Scam:

The scam: Scammers impersonate employees or familiar business representatives’ emails and contact company bookkeepers and office administrators asking them to change bank account information, direct deposit information, or asking them to write checks. By impersonating an employee’s email address or creating a fake personal email for the employee, scammers can steal money from businesses and steal paychecks from employees.

How to spot: Scammers will use an email address that only slightly varies from an employee’s true email and can be difficult to spot when using a mobile device. Be suspicious of emails coming from outside your company’s domain. The sender will refuse to connect on a live call due to being preoccupied (in a meeting, no cell service, very busy).

What to do: Vermont businesses and non-profits should always verify email addresses and speak directly with an employee or business representative in person or via phone when sending money or changing payment information. CAP urges business owners to educate their entire company on scams that target businesses.

To learn more about how to protect your business from these scams, watch CAP’s Avoiding the Business Imposter Email Scam Video  and visit the CAP Connections blog post on Vermont Business Imposter Email Scams Are on the Rise.

CAP encourages businesses in Vermont to take the following steps to help prevent scams:

Train Your Employees: Your best defense is an informed workforce.

Verify Invoices and Payments: Check all invoices closely. Never pay unless you know the bill is for items that were actually ordered and delivered. Tell your staff to do the same.

Be Tech-Savvy: Don’t believe your caller ID. Imposters often fake caller ID information so you’ll be more likely to believe them when they claim to be a government agency or a vendor you trust.

Know Who You’re Dealing With: Never send money to parties you cannot verify. Check registration history, recommendations, and confirm contacts by calling. Before doing business with a new company, search the company’s name online with the term “scam” or “complaint.”

Federal Trade Commission. A Scammy Snapshot of 2023 (based on reports to Consumer Sentienl) Top Frauds: 1 Imposters, 2 Online shopping and negative reviews, 3 Prizes, sweepstakes, lotteries, 4 Investments, 5 Business and job opportunities. 2.6 million fraud reports. $10 billion reported lost. The number of reports and the amount lost is up. (2022: 2.5 million fraud reports, $9 billion lost). Reported losses to investment scams grew: 2021 $1.7 billion, 2022 $3.8 billion, 2023 $4.6 billion. Losses to business imposters climbed. 2021 $438 million, 2022 $666million, 2023 $752 million. Losses to FTC imposter soared. 2019 $3,000 median loss. 2023 $7,000 median loss. Reports by Military consumers: Imposters: highest # of reports: 42,000. Highest total losses: $178 million. Investments: Highest % with loss: 81%. Highest median losses: $7,000. Top Payment Methods and Losses: Bank Transfer $1.8 billion, Cryptocurrency $1.4 billion, Wire Transfer $343.7 million. Scammers contacting people by phone or on social led to big losses. Phone calls: Highest per person reported losses: $1,480 median loss. Social media: Highest overall reported losses $1.4 billion total lost. Email: Highest # of reports 358,000 reports.

FTC 2023 Summary of Scam Reports Submitted to Consumer Sentinel

Is it amour or time for armor?

By Crystal Baldwin

There are perfect matches online, and there are scammers. How can a person tell the difference when online profiles of scammers can be just as good as, if not better than, profiles of existing people? Scams that prey on trust and deceive through relationships of confidence and romance are among the most heart wrenching. How can you look for love online, while keeping your heart protected?

Armor Your Heart: Verify identity with image search, ask for pics w/ unlikely poses, video chat on your terms, Seek advice from friends. AVOID: Contacts with lots of excuses, Requests for money and account info.
Armor your heart. Be romance scam smart.

Armor your heart by using verification strategies:

Verify the person’s identity:

  • Using image search, you can see how frequently a photo occurs elsewhere online and in different profiles
  • Ask contacts what they think
  • Ask photo poses with very specific uncommon photos
  • Video chat on your terms and don’t accept excuses of having slow internet

Armor your heart by knowing the signs of a scammer:

  • Refuses to provide additional photos
  • Refuses to chat through webcam
  • Is difficult to reach by phone, or prohibited from calling
  • Has excuses as to why you can’t meet
  • Needs money, or financial support of any nature, including a business venture
  • Wants to “strengthen the relationship” by sharing personal identifiable information (accounts, passwords, credit cards, and more) or opening lines of credit together

You can find love online and avoid scams. Before looking for love online, armor your heart by visiting our romance scam prevention site:

We created videos and tools to help you identify online romance scams.

If you or someone you know has encountered a scam in Vermont, report it. Use CAP’s online scam reporting form and visit the our scam recovery webpage.  

Help us stop these scams by sharing this information with those you care about. 

Medicare Open Enrollment Scammer, or the Real Deal?

By Crystal Baldwin

It happened last year, and again this year. During Medicare Open Enrollment season, a concerned elder in my life called to ask if the person soliciting them was a scammer or an actual enrollment representative. The truth is, aside from highlighting some key identifiers of scams, it can be hard to tell. The scammers are so good at acting as if they are Medicare enrollment professionals, that it is enormously difficult to differentiate them from the real deal. The scams even spoof Medicare’s phone number, making the caller ID appear to be Medicare when it is not.

Medicare Open Enrollment Scam Alert

The primary difference between a telemarketer and a scammer is whether the caller is honoring the Federal Do Not Call Registry (DNC). If you ever put you number on the DNC by calling 1-888-382-1222 or by going online at, you should not be receiving calls from solicitors—Even during Medicare open enrollment. You likely should not be receiving robocalls of this nature either.

What provider can call you when you are on the DNC?

Businesses with whom you have a customer relationship within the past six months, such as your Medicare provider, and other you have requested to call you. Yes, that’s it. No other unrequested calls are allowed.

More on Robocalls:

The same goes for those annoying automated/computer/robot calls. Except with these, unless you expressly opted into receiving robocalls in writing, you should not be receiving these calls either.

What if the call IS my Medicare provider, or I am interested in changing plans during open enrollment?

This is where it gets tricky. It is difficult to know whether your provider is calling instead of a scammer, especially because scammers copycat caller ID numbers. The only way to be sure is to take steps to verify by hanging up on the caller and calling back a number you know to be valid.

If you are looking to change enrollment during the Medicare open enrollment period, do so on your terms.

If you are concerned about your Medicare plan or need to report known Medicare provider fraud/abuse, contact Medicare directly at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

Please help the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) stop Medicare scams by sharing this information with someone you know. If you have questions about this scam, or have provided personal information to the scammers, please contact CAP at 1-800-649-2424 or go online to


Federal Trade Commission Do Not Call Registry

Shred events help to prevent identity theft

By Crystal Baldwin

This weekend, I am going to a Shred Event hosted by a local bank. My several boxes of shred-necessary paperwork–you know the documents riddled with personal identifying numbers–already seem lighter.

Banks periodically host events where they gather one or more mobile shred trucks, equipped with an industrial shredder and invite the public to offload their shredding. Different from an at-home shredder, which slowly snips small amounts of paper at once with varying outputs, cutting long strips or crosswise. The shredder on a mobile shred truck can handle large quantities of paper. An entire box, for example, can be dumped into the receptacle at once, returning small bits of paper. In the world of paper shredding, industrial shredders are considered quick and supreme. The result of compounding shredders with the anonymity of event participants is a massive indiscernible pile of recyclable paper. 

Shred Events: Protect Your Identity
Shred Events: Protect Your Identity

Why shred events?

Shred events help prevent fraud and financial identity theft by giving people an easy way to dispose of confidential paperwork. We all have it, and we need a safe and secure way to dispose of it. All an identity thief needs to wreak havoc on our financial future is our Social Security number, date of birth, address, and name. Shred events benefit you by helping you protect your personal information. They help banks by way of protecting the information of their clientele and eliminating potential bank fraud and related recovery costs.

Identity thieves are online, so why do we need to shred paper?

News of data breaches and the message to stay safe online and protect your electronic information remains true and important. And still, some of the more involved and impactful crimes of identity theft, such as the creation of new accounts and huge losses, are often committed by people close to us: a relative, supposed friend, or neighbor. Some of these folks may know exactly where you keep your boxes of personal files.

Still others may forage trash the eve of trash pickup. If you carelessly discard confidential documentation, you could be directly supplying a thief with your information.

Destroying documents that you no longer need is the best method to prevent potential theft and misuse of that document. Keeping such documents around your home, or neglectfully discarding them in original form makes you more susceptible to identity theft.

Can shred events destroy my devices that contain my personal information?

No. Shred events are all about shredding paper. Personal devices cannot be discarded or wiped clean of personal data there. Prior to discarding or recycling electronic devices, consumers must take crucial steps to clear personal data off a device through a factory reset or destroy the dive/circuit board altogether.

How can I find a shred event near me?

Banks as well as community organizations host shred events. When you find an event, such as through an online event listing on a third-party site, like Facebook, take steps to verify directly with the hosting entity.

To learn more about identity theft and protection steps, please review the Consumer Assistance Program’s website and blog.