Readers may have noticed that I’ve turned off automatic commenting to the blog. The ever increasing amount of spam, some of which always manages to squeeze its way through the (fairly strong) spam filter, was getting intolerable. I’ve just discovered, however, that a handful of genuine comments from longtime readers also got caught in the spam filter, for one reason or another, instead of going to me for moderation. Sorry about that – I’ll check the spam filter more often. I’ll tone down the filtering if I see the spam level stops increasing. (Is that a possibility, or are we living in a universe pre-destined to choke on its own waste?)
Spammers, if you read at all, please don’t bother sending stuff here, since your messages will get deleted even if one or two of them get through momentarily.
yes I agree spam is terrible and I personally wouldn’t do it just to get that extra link. But after all, we’re all trying to build our link network and if we’re providing comments that directly relate to the blog content, would that be considered spam? I hope not.
… Of course, I can just post it without any html or urls. Here’s a policy, then: As long as a comment is intended to engage in a conversation with the post (or with previous commenters), and not just to advertise the commenter’s existence, it will generally be posted. Spam (i.e. advertisement of irrelevant information) will not be posted.
LACDA – when you wrote that you “personally wouldn’t do it just to get that extra link,” did you mean that you would do it impersonally? Commenters should realize that it’s always preferable to hear from someone with a name, and not just with a job description.