An online space for environmental cultural theory, this weblog has two primary objectives:
(1) To communicate about issues at the intersection of ecological, political, and cultural thought and practice, especially at the interdisciplinary junctures forming in and around the fields of ecocriticism , green cultural studies, political ecology, environmental communication, ecophilosophy, and related areas (biosemiotics, geophilosophy, social nature, poststructuralist and liberation ecologies, zoontologies, urbanatures, animist liberation theologies — invent your own neologisms); and
(2) To contribute to the development of a non-dualist understanding of nature/culture, mind/body, spirit/matter, structure/agency, and worldly relations in general. Dualisms aren’t inherently bad, but these ones have become stultifying; they contribute to the log-jam in which environmental thinking has been caught for too long. To this end, the blog is interested in philosophies of process, ontologies of immanence and becoming, and epistemologies of participation, relation, and dialogue – that is, ways of understanding and acting that take ideas and practices, bodies and minds, subjects and objects, perceptions and representations, agency and structure, to be fundamentally inseparable, creative, and always in motion. The blog will be a place where non-dual mind (/body, subject/object) meets non-dual world (nature/culture), or where rigpa meets anima.
(For more on these topics, see the posts on immanence, immanent naturalism, rigpa and anima, geophilosophy, green cultural studies, between Continental and environmental philosophy, and the “P-R Theory 101” links in the right-hand column.)
The blog aims to be a useful resource for scholars, graduate students, and the interested public. As the boundary between scholarship and the wider world of public thinking gets ever more more blurred thanks to digital technology, the distinction between lay and scholarly loses its cogency. The original idea was for the blog to serve as a forum for thinking in and around the Environmental Thought and Culture Graduate Concentration at the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont. The broadening described here is an outgrowth of that.
A blog, like an idea, is only successful to the extent that it germinates, grows, connects, and takes on a life of its own. This one began as one person’s (self-) prod to think out loud and to forge connections in thought, word, and image. To what extent it grows beyond that will become evident over time.
For a summary of the blog’s first year, see here; and of the second year, here.
This version updated (slightly) on December 9, 2010 (after the migration of the blog to WordPress).
I very much like your blog, which thanks to your links to mine drew my attention here. I very much like your mission statement for this blog and your own orientations and writing are very stimulating. I look forward to visiting again more often. In the meantime I have added your blog to my own list of links.
Paul from anotherheideggerblog here. How do I make comments on your normal blog posts? I’ve made a post linked to yours and am very likely to do so in the future.
Hi Paul. You should be able to do it the same way you replied to this one. Does the “Post a comment” box not appear when you’re reading other blog posts?
Paul – It looks like the “Accept comments” box got unclicked by accident in my “Cinematic ecologies” post. That’s now fixed. I won’t be able to reply this afternoon, but will do that when I can.
Just found your blog. It seems to be very much in line with what I am currently researching. I am applying Deleuze/ DeLanda/Protevi on archaeological and palaeoclimatological data from the northern Yucatan. From what I have seen so far, your blog will be useful for my research.
Thanks for posting – I’ve got some interest in the Yucatan and in Maya research as well. Your blog looks fascinating, and I’m glad to see the critiques of popular pseudo-Mayanism. I’m both eagerly awaiting and cringing at the very thought of Roland Emmerich’s 2012… yikes. I should have predicted that he would take that on… Now we know what comes after The Day After Tomorrow.
Great blog, this seemed like the most appropriate post to let you know I enjoy reading it in general
Love your blog very much
I really enjoy your articles, learned many things about this stuff. I hope other writers can step in and help out more by making informative articles like this.
“A blog, like an idea, is only successful to the extent that it germinates, grows, connects, and takes on a life of its own.”
I really agree with you on this.
wow — mind blowing stuff! v cool, thanks for the invitation to provocation
“As the boundary between scholarship and the wider world of public thinking gets ever more more blurred thanks to digital technology, the distinction between lay and scholarly becomes less and less cogent.”
Now this is so true. These days with internet so open to all of us, it’s very easy for us all to become scholars. There are many people who haven’t been past highschool, however they are so erudites that you’d be surprised.
Love this blog ,good job
Hi Adrian,
I really enjoy the work you do at Immanence and thought you might be interested in a new journal/magazine that a collective of undergraduates, graduate students, professors and individuals outside of academia are working on in an attempt to take critical theory out of the academy and create a space to engage postmodern, globalized capitalism in ways that are not colonized by academic jargon and elitism. We intend to distribute freely online and in print (as much as possible), analysis of multiple immigration situations and strategic ways of being regarding these situations. You can find the call for papers below.
If you are interested but unable to contribute, circulating this cfp in your networks would be appreciated. Anyway keep up the good work.
warm regards,
andrew dornon
about pro/visions
pro/visions is a new magazine/journal (double blind peer-reviewed) that seeks to push critical theory beyond the academy and into the streets. Therefore the content will reflect rigorous (and playful) thought but using language that is accessible to anyone. We seek to create a space for theory to meet praxis (and the ivory tower the people/s). Think Gramsci’s “organic intellectual” meets Chuck D and they get into a fist fight–with the world.
“immigration against the Empire”
This issue situates immigration (and other forms of nomadism) as a disruptive event against Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s concept of Empire. Between Arizona’s new immigration law in the United States and the French government’s response to immigration, it would seem that as the “Third World” pops up in the “First World” neo-liberal policing comes into view of the Global North. In light of the various reactions to these events, responses from the radical Left, in and outside of academia, need to be formulated in order to map resistances and the role of the immigrant and the exile within the Empire.
Articles should be connected to the following suggested topics:
* Specific case scenarios of immigration in and between geopolitical regions around the globe.
* Legal, ethical and political controvery/ies concerning immigration policy.
* The political role of the undocumented worker within U.S. and global paradigms
* Underground immigrant support networks and their clashes with the “minutemen”
* Conceptions of identity in relation to immigration
* Spanglish (or other creoles) as political act
* Strategies for immigrant solidarity, locally and globally
* Immigration as a response to neo-liberal forces
* Illegal immigration as a form of resistance to politics and ideology
* Systems of race, gender and other social norms within nomadism
submission guidelines
Submissions are welcome in all languages, with a preference toward English, Spanish and Spanglish.
Articles must be between 2,000 and 3,000 words in length with endnotes and a bibliography. Citations should follow the latest version of MLA.
Abstracts must be between 150 and 300 words.
A short biographical description of 3-5 lines should be included.
If you are interested in submitting to pro/visions, please send an abstract by email to no later than July 1, 2010. Final versions of articles will be due August 1, 2010.
Great blog. Love the design as well!
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Nice one…Really enjoyed it…Keep up your work:)
Keep up the good work.
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Hi I am still confused can you elaborate more.
I just wanted to show some love. Nice articles and sick background! keep it up
This will be a great platform for learning digital technology and sharing Environmental Thought and Culture thought. Good job. Keep going on. Thanks
Great blog, this seemed like the most appropriate post to let you know I enjoy reading it in general
Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy your blog.
This is excellent and very much needed
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