You’ve got mail (from us!)

By now you should have received an envelope that looks like this:
Records update_outerenvelopeWhat is it? It’s a quick list of your contact information as it’s recorded in the UVM alumni database. This is your chance to easily make any updates or changes.

Why does it matter? Well, if your name is Roger but you go by Tim and don’t let us know, UVM will call you the wrong name for the rest of eternity.

Or, if we have you living with in Massachusetts but you’ve moved to New York City, UVM will keep sending you invitations to Boston events and you’ll miss out on what’s happening near you.

We did our best to make it easy for you, and we’ll walk you through it now.

1. Grab it off your mail pile and open it up! Inside will look like this:
Records update_checkingin

2. Unfold the page and that’s where the fun starts:
Records update_nameemailphone

3. Check the white boxes to let us know what’s correct and use the lines below to make any changes or add in any missing information.Records update_addressactivities

4. Once you’ve confirmed and corrected your contact information you’ll find one more section.

In this yellow “Anything Else?” box you can write in any group or activity you were involved in at UVM. For example, if you were on the Women’s Field Hockey team or part of an awesome SGA club, write it in. We can tag these activities/teams/clubs to your alumni record.

That way when your A Capella group is celebrating their 35th reunion (like the Top Cats are this weekend), we know to include you in the invitation.

5. Now that you’ve completed the form, drop it in the enclosed envelope and stick it in the mail – the postage is already paid. So you don’t even need to find a stamp!
Records update_qbrm

If you prefer to update your contact information online you do so here.

As always if you have any questions feel free to contact us: or

Gratitude Grams

gratitude grams
Both Derrick and I have found that there are some things about UVM we didn’t appreciate until after we graduated. A professor who really took the time to help us figure out a career path, a class that sparked an interest we didn’t even know we had, the smiling face of Charlie at the falafel corner.

Now that you’ve been away for a bit, we thought you might have that same feeling. And since it’s our job to help you stay connected to campus we want to help you send your gratitude along to the people here.

That’s why we created UVM Gratitude Grams. You write a note of appreciation to a faculty or staff member on campus, and we’ll deliver it for you.
gratitude gram for blog
We had these snazzy cards made up and we’ll print your message on each ‘gram you want to send. Then we’ll use campus mail to deliver them.

All you have to do is fill out this form. You can write as many ‘grams as you’d like. You’ll just have to fill out a new submission for each person.

Have fun spreading the love.
candy cane grams mean girls gif— Ryan

Hello from the other side

adele gif

Remember when we called you a couple of weeks ago?  When we asked you some questions about your job or what you are most connected to at UVM?

Well, you surprised us because nearly 300 of you actually picked up the phone. And that’s why we love you.

Here’s what you said:

Career Outcomes Survey (140 responses)

  1. 71% are employed full-time or in graduate school.
  2. 75% are employed in a job related to your career goals.
  3. 88% are satisfied with your current job.

Basically, y’all are amazing. You are finding jobs and liking those jobs.

For the 30% still looking for a job or thinking about graduate school, keep at it!

Not-Career Outcomes Survey (147 responses)

For those of you who had completed the career outcome survey already, we called to ask what you are most connected to at UVM.  Here’s what you said:

  1. 57% of you said you love your academic departments and school/colleges. Your professors would love to know this — send them an email this weekend, it will mean a lot.
  2. 20% of you said student life (students clubs, greek life, programs, etc.).
  3. 10% of your said you just love UVM — all of it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

It means a lot to us that you are willing to answer the phone and talk. Not only does it help us know more about you as individuals, it helps us know how to communicate with you in the future.

Derrick & Ryan

ICYMI: Fall Semester Highlights from Campus

The semester is coming to a close and students are busy prepping for finals (bet that’s something you don’t miss!) So we put together an update on what’s been happening on campus this fall.

Move Mountains: The Campaign for the University of Vermont

  • In October UVM kicked off a $500 million fundraising campaign called Move Mountains: The Campaign for The University of Vermont. Over Homecoming weekend there was a big launch on campus that included some pretty cool videos. The first is drone footage of campus and the second is a reading by Major Jackson.

A Bird’s-Eye View of UVM from UVM Foundation on Vimeo.

Major Jackson at UVM’s Move Mountains Campaign Launch Celebration from UVM Foundation on Vimeo.

Notable Speakers

  • Anne Fadiman, author of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, spoke to first-year students about writing.
  • Al Gore visited campus in October to talk climate change.
  • William Cronin, a prominent environmental historian, spoke at 40th annual the Aiken Lecture.

A Day in the Life

  • On October 20, 2015 students, faculty and staff captured their day on social media. Check out the play by play here.

Academics and Research

Student News

Want to stay up to date?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick post to say Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you a day spent with family and friends and filled with delicious food. thanksgiving turkey turkey day thanksgiving dinner gobble gobble
We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program next week.

Derrick & Ryan